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Re: Emmy Awards 2019 Fashions


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Re: Emmy Awards 2019 Fashions

I don't watch the show but do enjoy the fashion & look forward to the pictures. The dresses range from meh to dreadful...Thanks for posting @Greeneyedlady21.

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Re: Emmy Awards 2019 Fashions

[ Edited ]

That dark hair woman in the photos ,looks like a waif, in both of her dresses. I don't think they have done a thing for her

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Re: Emmy Awards 2019 Fashions


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Re: Emmy Awards 2019 Fashions

@bathina wrote:

@ILTH wrote:





This metallic is awful.


Zendaya looked spectacular. 

Chrissy 's dress looks like the underside of a turtle.  I saw Neicy interviewed by Guiliana- nice woman, good intentions, but put those things away, imo.

Re:  Chrissy’s dress, it would look better if the silver area was at the bottom, ruffled area of the dress only.

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Re: Emmy Awards 2019 Fashions

The Michelle Williams gown is the only one l would wear, out of the whole bunch.

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Re: Emmy Awards 2019 Fashions

[ Edited ]

@jellyBEAN wrote:

@okaywitheasypay wrote:

@jellyBEAN  go to IMBD and check out the info for the movie. It appeared the fashion designer (called costume designer) went by Irene  name was Irene Maud Lentz also Irene Gibbons-- google her . I read about her on Wikipedia link . She had her own interesting story. (as we all do) . It ended sadly. If this was the same person. I was looking for the dress you were talking about . Smiley Happy

After I posted I went online because this dress was so unique and beautiful and I saw that Irene was the fashion designer and from there went onto pinterest to see pics of dozens of her fashions.  Wow, they just don't make clothes like that anymore.  I realize this is a different era, but things just looked so much more tailored and thoughtful.


The movie was made in '42 so it was in black n white.  The dress appeared black and looked like a strapless gown from the front but from the back there was a sheer fabrication which led around to a necklace in front and some type of light shoulder treatment.  Just struck me as being very unique.  I luv the fashions from that era.  They didn't show anything but they were incredibly alluring.

It's hard to get talent, beauty, brain and the desire to be dressed modestly but beautifully all rolled up into one package nowadays as well. 

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Re: Emmy Awards 2019 Fashions

@jellyBEAN wrote:

Zendaya is absolutely stunning.  She can pretty much wear anything and look fabulous.  I agree, all the others compared to her look blah.


The sleeves on Gwyneth Paltrow's dress are too costumey.  Also, I don't think the long hair is working for her anymore.  Too casual for a gown.


Kendall Jenner is another beautiful young woman, and she being a model, knows how to pose in that dress, but I'm not a big fan of large floral prints and the mermaid flouncey bottom - but it is an attention getter and if anyone could wear it she can.


I didn't watch the show.  A little off-topic - I was watching 'The Palm Beach Story ' on TCM and Claudette Colbert had on the most beautiful gown - it was strapless, yet it had some sort of upper back/necklace/shoulder epaulet treatment.  I'd never seen that before and of course she owned that dress.  What year was that movie made?  Long ago, and yet that gown would be a red carpet gown today.  I missed seeing who the fashion designer was in the opening credits as I didn't see the whole thing.  Wish I could post a pic.

@jellyBEAN  Do you mean this one:



  Related image

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Re: Emmy Awards 2019 Fashions

@San Antonio Gal wrote:




A few more lovely dresses....

 I don't care fro the photo#3 as the bow looks like it consumed the beautiful lady wearing the dress.  The photo #2  is really one of the worst I have seen. That actress was on Game of Thrones. Is she dressing for her next role  or was this a left over costume from Game of Thrones ???

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Re: Emmy Awards 2019 Fashions

@San Antonio Gal wrote:


The boots & belt , guess make her look edgy