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Does anyone else miss gaucho pants?

I really liked the look of gaucho pants, especially in a good knit. They had a nice swing and sass to them.

I remember once seeing a 60ish woman in a pair of red knit gauchos, black tee and a little strappy flat sandal and she was stopping traffic.

The style was very short-lived. I wish it had achieved classic status.

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Re: Does anyone else miss gaucho pants?

I had some denim gaucho's and loved 'em.

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Re: Does anyone else miss gaucho pants?

I'm not so much for gauchos. I'm 5'1" and they do nothing for me. But, I'm glad you like them. I don't see them anywhere in fashion this season. But, you know they'll be back with some sort of new twist. Keep looking.

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Re: Does anyone else miss gaucho pants?

I loved them too, never forget I had a great pair of light gray ones that I wore with black boots, that was a great outfit.
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Re: Does anyone else miss gaucho pants?

I don't miss them. I had some but didn't realize how bad they looked on me until I went through some old pictures the other day.

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Re: Does anyone else miss gaucho pants?

No way!
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Re: Does anyone else miss gaucho pants?

On 1/18/2014 Retired08 said:

I don't miss them. I had some but didn't realize how bad they looked on me until I went through some old pictures the other day.{#emotions_dlg.biggrin}

Yup, the old pictures did it for me. I thought I looked pretty good back then. I had a camel wool pair I wore with brown boots and a rust colored sweater. I guess because it was the style I didn't look twice, and I was always complimented. Holy Cow, when I see the pictures full length I am embarrassed! But we all thought we looked good. Just like those Dynasty sized shoulder pads, the dark blue eye shadow, and that big big hair all wild. Personally, I think the late 70's and 1980's had the worst style of all.

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Re: Does anyone else miss gaucho pants?

Funny you should mention that and pardon me if it's already been said, but Antthony said on HSN that they're all over Paris. I have seen them showing up again then I remembered that oddly enough, they actually used to look good on my figure. Accented small waist, covered full thighs and ended at nice calves. I might buy a pair again, ha, ha.
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Re: Does anyone else miss gaucho pants?

On 1/18/2014 cyndog said: Funny you should mention that and pardon me if it's already been said, but Antthony said on HSN that they're all over Paris. I have seen them showing up again then I remembered that oddly enough, they actually used to look good on my figure. Accented small waist, covered full thighs and ended at nice calves. I might buy a pair again, ha, ha.

Hi cyndog, I saw Antthony last night where he talked about the gauchos. This is just an aside, but did you think he seemed really subdued? I know he's calmed down over the years but this visit he seemed so different. I always like Antthony, just wondering if this is something new, I don't watch often.

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Re: Does anyone else miss gaucho pants?

I don't miss gauchos. They looked awful on me in the 80s and would probably look worse on me now. I do like straight leg crop pants though.