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Re: Do you wear nude shoes with black pants, dresses?

With dresses and skirts yes but with pants I think it looks silly. I don't know where the myth came from that it elongates because IMO that nude shoe with black full length pants totally breaks the line of the leg and does just the opposite of lengthening.

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Re: Do you wear nude shoes with black pants, dresses?

On 3/25/2014 Fabuluxe said:

yes! a nude shoe elongates your legs

Only when wearing a dress with sheer hose. Not with black pants!

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Re: Do you wear nude shoes with black pants, dresses?

I absolutely do- I do not want to draw attention to my feet- and I think dark shoes do just that- they look clunky at least on my big old feet. I always feel that a nude shoe just sort of blends it in- and makes my leg look longer.

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Re: Do you wear nude shoes with black pants, dresses?

I didn't used to, but I am seeing this everywhere now and I am liking the look.

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Re: Do you wear nude shoes with black pants, dresses?

Sooner, lol, I think neutrals must be on a lot of our minds..I just posted a sort of similar thread before seeing this. I will wear nude shoes with lighter color pants or a black skirt but for some reason I like wearing black shoes or sandals with black pants..

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Re: Do you wear nude shoes with black pants, dresses?

I haven't but I will; I see the look everywhere and I do like. Especially for warm weather. It sort of lightens up a black outfit. I have nude flat and last year I wore them in spring/summer with light color outfits. I liked the flats so much that I bought a pair of nude pumps. Assuming that we'll have a spring/summer this year......

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Re: Do you wear nude shoes with black pants, dresses?


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Re: Do you wear nude shoes with black pants, dresses?

I would like to get a nude wedge sandal that is no higher than 2.5 inches. I really like the look.

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Re: Do you wear nude shoes with black pants, dresses?

On 3/24/2014 NYC Susan said:

I personally don't like nude shoes.

And I think black shoes look far better with black pants or dresses - definitely a nicer, more finished look. JMO, of course! Kiss

I'm with you. The only time I might consider a bone shoe would be if it was a two-tone. I love the wing tip look

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Re: Do you wear nude shoes with black pants, dresses?

No, I wear black.