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Do u buy early because of potential sell-outs?

I confess...Sometimes a brand new Susan Graver item will be posted that I really like----and I know that if I don't buy it immediately (before it's on TV), my size and preferred color will sell out. I've gotten good at knowing which items are going to be really popular. Do others of you do this, too? Just curious....

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Re: Do u buy early because of potential sell-outs?

Depends on how much I want it.

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Re: Do u buy early because of potential sell-outs?

No. I prefer to check reviews on items first, unless it's Lisa Rinna 'cause her stuff is most consistent in regards to sizing.


I must confess though, I missed out on IM bleached denim jean jacket which I regret!

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Re: Do u buy early because of potential sell-outs?

Maybe viewers are quicker to buy items when they feel there will be a sell out. I thnk this has worked well for one on line small business. The seller may have learned this marketing technique from the Q   Maybe limited inventory makes for the very early sell outs. 

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Re: Do u buy early because of potential sell-outs?


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Re: Do u buy early because of potential sell-outs?

If the item is absolutely what I need, and I love it, yes.

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Re: Do u buy early because of potential sell-outs?

I haven't recently, but I definitely would if I were shopping more..


I know waiting for sales can save dollars, but I've also learned to save those dollars by buying less instead of more.  That way when I see something I like and expect to wear frequently, I don't feel bad about paying full price. 

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Re: Do u buy early because of potential sell-outs?

Yes, I frequently buy early.  I check "New" everyday and if I see something I want, I will order it if it is a brand I purchase often and know fit and quality.  Susan Graver, Issac Mizrahi and Denim & Co.


I have never bought Lisa Rinna because I don't like to watch her or her items, but I may have to change my thinking there.  I just spent alot of time tracking down the Today's Special and ordered the cargo pants in Charcoal and Mocha.  Looking forward to watching the presentation tonight and will not have to hurry up and order.  I can take the time to watch the entire presentation and get all the details without stopping to order as to not miss out.

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Re: Do u buy early because of potential sell-outs?

I used to, but now I figure if it sells out, I don't need it

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Re: Do u buy early because of potential sell-outs?

No.  I like to read the reviews and I rarely buy anything at full price.  Sooner or later it goes on sale.  There is nothing I "need" that I can't wait for.