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I just love Sam as the vendor.  He sticks to the item description and knows whats coming & going for the season.  So much better than listening to Diane drone on and on.  The fashions have gotten better too.  I haven't had much luck with the wear of her jeans but really like these marble jeans. Do you enjoy him?

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@barrel racer  Yes I enjoy him and would always watch him when he was on Shophq before switching to HSN.

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I do like Sam, knows his business, but I miss Diane just as much. She is DG2 and always will be. I wish her well. I disagree that the fashions are getting better. The prints are gaudy and styles are not to my liking. I am purchasing so much less now than when Diane was running the show.
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I do enjoy Sam. I'm wondering if Diane is doing alright if he's on set and handling the presentations.

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Diane is fine, she has retired from the TV presentations. She has her own Instagram blog now, she does a lot of videos.
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@gr mt girl wrote:
Diane is fine, she has retired from the TV presentations. She has her own Instagram blog now, she does a lot of videos.


@gr mt girl  thank you for the above. I never purchased a lot of Diane's fashions but did enjoy watching her presentations sometimes. 


"And suddenly you just know it's time to start something new
And trust the magic of Beginnings..."
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She just celebrated her birthday, I think she was turning 78. She looks great and seems to be enjoying her life! Still as fashionable as ever.
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I think Sam is okay, I do like his presentaions but I also understand he is there to sell and I feel his approach is a bit phony at times.  I like Diane too and wish her well but never had a lot of luck with her inconsistant sizing over the years and cheap fabric's used for her clothing.   Sorry but it's true......also I think the line has really stayed the same.  Some nicer styles but a lot of gaudy styles too, IMO.   

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I always thought Diane's  presentations were a wealth of misinformation.  She gave totally wrong advice on sizing.  I gave up watching and buying her stuff for a long time after a couple of disastrous purchases using her advice.


I thoroughly enjoy Sam, although he's a little vague on sizing advice too.  He has a wonderful voice.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Sam is a great salesperson and that is why Diane hired him to do this job. He represents the brand well. I used to watch him when he was with ShopHQ's One World brand.I like him.