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Actually, I don't think its Gary that's so boring........its the Denim & Co line itself......same clothes and designs for 25 years....I think they started bringing Gary on the air to add a little something different to the D&C shows{#emotions_dlg.blush}........I just don't watch the D&C shows any more.......

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I actually like Gary. He seems very nice and genuine, and since he is the lead designer of Denim & Co., I like his input to the sales pitch. Remember, each host is only on for a couple of hours at a time talking about the TSV, but Gary had to be on and alert & engaged ALL DAY LONG. That would surely make me a little loopy by hour 5, forget about hour 21.

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I strongly...STRONGLY disagree with you.

I love when Gary is on. He designs the line and I am happy to see the new and fresh look for Denim & Co.

I think he is great with Carolyn, and I never miss a chance to watch them.

YOU try staying up for 24 hours to sell a TSV....and with Jane Treacy last night!

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I have been trying to get him to answer a question for almost a YEAR now about pants that D&C have offered for years (A47265 tall leggings) but now seem to be discontinued (I think because NOBODY will answer me including GARY!) or on clearance.. I laugh when he says to go on his blog or ask questions when he is on air. Ask away but NO answers! I have called CS, wrote him on his blog, asked when he had a lady on line during one of the shows, pointed it out in the reviews of these leggings etc. NO answer from ole Gary or anyone at D&C. Guess they don't need me as a customer and I wish he would quit lying about wanting to hear from customers. He does not answer questions!!!!! That makes me mad. Phoney!{#emotions_dlg.bored}

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On 1/22/2015 BonnieBelle said:

I saw the earlier show with Mary Beth and he seemed very quiet and not his usual self. He is much more outgoing when he presents with Carolyn. I only saw the beginning of the show with Jane and he seemed quiet also. He was probably exhausted being up for almost 24 hours with the TSV.

Bonnie, you probably turned him off too soon! {#emotions_dlg.laugh} I usually don't watch Jane very often because of her constant chatter, but she and Gary both got really wound up and I laughed more than I have in a while at any QVC show. It was actually a very enjoyable two hours...{#emotions_dlg.thumbup1}

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I never really watched D&C much before, but find myself engaged in the show when Gary is on.

Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea-Robert A. Heinlein
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On 1/22/2015 donuts said:

Actually, I don't think its Gary that's so boring........its the Denim & Co line itself......same clothes and designs for 25 years....I think they started bringing Gary on the air to add a little something different to the D&C shows{#emotions_dlg.blush}........I just don't watch the D&C shows any more.......

^^^ this!

I am not sure what the OP means by "bold".

Should he be shy? {#emotions_dlg.biggrin}

~Enough is enough~
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Registered: ‎11-26-2014

I must say I have watched Gary today on the d&c shows and have really enjoyed his comments. He seems a very genuine nice person.

I happen to agree. I like Gary, and the way he presents items on air and his overall demeanor.

I would really hate to be host or vendor or QVC or any other home shopping networks. I just don't have the "thick skin" needed for all the nit-picking and negativity from viewers.

(OP, you have a right to your opinion, this is IMHO).

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I like him. Seems like a nice guy who loves the clothes he designs.

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

I think he is a very nice man but he says the same things about every piece over and over again. Now I know he is the man behind the designs and not a "talker" like the hosts but I turn the channel when he is on too long, like most of yesterday.