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Gary is the Sr Designer and he reminds me of one of those guys who sits in the big corner office, has his staff do all the work, makes needless changes, goes against the opinions of his staff and he makes the final decisions, right, wrong or in between.

I don't know this man but even if he doesn't do the above, he radiates that type of boss mentality.

I mentioned in another thread Carolyn gave him a kiss when she greeted him this morning, that was so inappropriate since both of them are Q employees, I think she forgot that and thought his was an "outside guest".

First, please don't mix black pants with a navy top, I know women do it but it just doesn't work, next horizontal tops are a no no, need some kind of heels, those pants do not work and the overall top is nice. The Q needs a stylist and a good one. I would also like to suggest full sized mirror from head to toe to be added.

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I think QVC thinks that bringing in ""Gary"" it will make D&CO more ""designer"" as a line.... He really does not add anything to the show that Carolyn could not handle as far as describing the items.

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Someone just called in and said they want to kiss him.....Oh my!
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Carolyn just said a few moments ago that she begs QVC to let Gary come on w/ her. It doesn't bother me in the least if he is with her. A lot a tada about nothing, IMO.

Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea-Robert A. Heinlein
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On 1/28/2014 adelle38 said:
On 1/28/2014 dollydogsgirl said:

Since when does a middle aged man know about fashion, I guess men know what they think looks good on women, but it seems strange to me!

Some of the best fashion designers in the world are middle aged men and older. Do the names Versace, Givenchy, Dior, St. Laurent, Lauren, Balenciaga, Calvin Klein mean anything to you?

I don't think the arc of the careers of Versace, Givenchy, etc., is even remotely similar to the arc of the career of this man. He seems like a middle manager, not a design expert, and certainly not a "designer" as one would think of the gentlemen above. He is a brand manager.

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Everyone is a critic. If the hosts don't wear the items people complain and then when they do, they are critical as to how they look. If you don't like what it looks like on them, then don't buy it.

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I don't know about the slenderizing, but I have that large stripe horizontal top in several colors. I bought one and that is the most comfortable feeling top ever, and I don't think it makes me look any wider. Maybe not slimmer, though. But the hand of that top is a soft jersey and that's why I bought other colors. Plus, it is a very summery looking top with the heather gray. I wear it as a casual look.

Yes, I know they say anything--but don't pass on that top if you were on the fence.

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I like some horizontal stripes and I own some. I don't like all of them.

There isn't a garment out there that is going to make a size 16 look like a 6 just like there isn't a garment out there that is going to make a size 6 look like a 16.

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I think Carolyn knows what the viewer is thinking "horizontal stripes make a person look wider" so she immediately addresses it. Whatever possible flaw a garment may have, i.e., too short of a jacket, a super wide collar, scratchy looking material etc., it usually is addressed right away by the host--"Oh this is not scratchy at all" "This jacket is short but it still flatters" even though that is the very thing that IS wrong with it

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I think thin stripes are easier to wear than wide stripes. Wide stripes make me look wider. As for Gary...I honestly had no idea who he was.