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Be careful when canceling an item.....

I just found out the hard way that if you want to cancel just ONE item from a multi-item order, DON'T do it from the order status page. If you do, it cancels the WHOLE ORDER.

Instead, go to "view/edit" on the left, then click "edit item", then click "cancel item."

I ordered two OTO shirts last night and decided to cancel one of them this morning. Like always, I clicked "cancel item" to the right of the shirt, and it asked me if I was sure I wanted to cancel -- I said yes and POOF -- BOTH shirts were cancelled. And now the one I wanted to keep is now sold out in my size. Figures.

Maybe some of you knew this already, but it's the first time I've canceled something in the last couple weeks, so it's definitely a new thing. And not a good thing!

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Re: Be careful when canceling an item.....

that's a new wrinkle that I too discovered the last few weeks and unfortunately lost some of my LTS items. When I cancelled one item from the order it looked okay but later on when I looked again they were all cancelled. Thanks for letting us know there is a way to do it without placing each item as a separate order.

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Re: Be careful when canceling an item.....

I think customer service could have corrected it for you if you called them immediately. But regardless, thanks for the heads up.

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Re: Be careful when canceling an item.....

Unfortunately, when you cancel customer service cannot help if the items are not available. Your cancelled items likely went to fill wait list orders.
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Re: Be careful when canceling an item.....

That makes sense Tissyanne, and you are probably correct. It still seems to me that if contacted immediately, customer service could see that and turn it around. Maybe it's just that I've always had such good luck with CS that I'd like to think it's true Smiley Happy

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Re: Be careful when canceling an item.....

I just discovered that too. I wanted to cancel one item and my whole order was cancelled. Thankfully, the items that I wanted were still available.
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Re: Be careful when canceling an item.....

It's really frustrating when people order OTOs or LTSs then cancel them after the offers are no longer available! So selfish! What goes around, comes around!
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Re: Be careful when canceling an item.....

On 3/6/2015 helping said: It's really frustrating when people order OTOs or LTSs then cancel them after the offers are no longer available! So selfish! What goes around, comes around!

I agree, but remember -- I didn't mean to cancel both.

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Re: Be careful when canceling an item.....

I think I actually did check my order after cancelling one item and the others weren't cancelled but later in the day discovered that they were. This didn't used to happen.

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Registered: ‎11-30-2013

Re: Be careful when canceling an item.....

On 3/6/2015 juliet said:

I think I actually did check my order after cancelling one item and the others weren't cancelled but later in the day discovered that they were. This didn't used to happen.

Yep - this is absolutely something new. I'm wondering if it's a ""glitch"" or something. I'm sure the Q isn't too keen on entire orders getting cancelled as opposed to one or two items.