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I'm not watching... Lucky me!

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Watch this- I predict ""Back to School"" promotions starting no later than the last week in June......
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I'm in a warm climate & we don't get fall here until November. And then it really isn't fall.

violann, I'll bet you are right about the school promos! And the kids here just got out for summer!

Winter coats show up in the stores in July..

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I expected it. They already started talking "last order of the season" on summer items and June just arrived. I think they are not going to restock the way they usually do. That's fine with me, there are other places to shop for summer clothes. I'm certainly not thinking about transition pieces on June 6!

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On 6/7/2014 violann said: Watch this- I predict "Back to School" promotions starting no later than the last week in June......

"Christmas in July", Back to School...just a slippery slope to Halloween & Christmas. Eeps! Gosh just seemed like yesterday when everyone was complaining about "their Christmas being ruined" because they ordered too late & the massive snowstorms shut down deliveries....remember that?! Hopefully those shoppers will learn & shop early.

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I can't believe they are talking about fall already! I'm just starting to enjoy summer.

I like warmer weather much better than colder weather so fall can wait as long as it wants to to get here for me!

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We've had two weeks of warm/hot weather. Most of it has been plagued with the threats of tornadoes and flooding and straight line winds. I hate wishing my life away, but autumn seems to be the only season left that's not so scary. I have noticed some of the summer clothing is getting limited or sold out.

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I do. Hate July and August, too hot and humid!!

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I like summer clothes for a change, but I don't like summer! I always thought when you got older, you would be more susceptible to cold -- NOT! At least not with me. Am I the only one in the world who "almost" HATES summer? I know so many have suffered through such horrible winters that I hate to say it, but it's true. Our summers are so hot and humid, mosquitoes, ticks, I hate even going outside. They didn't used to be so bad, but then we also had colder winters in years past and at least a couple of good snows. Now from October to April, it almost feels like fall all the time - I'd love to have just one really, cold, snowy winter! We haven't had a decent snow in 6 years! I have coats that I love, and sometimes I get to wear each one once during the winter --that's how little really cold weather we have. I don't want to see winter clothes - I have more than I need!{#emotions_dlg.w00t}

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I was at a Carter's store yesterday, doing some shopping for my granddaughter. Everything in the store was at least 30% off, with even clearance items an additional 20% off. I overheard another customer asking the cashier why everything was on sale. The cashier stated that for them, the spring/summer season is over so they have to move the merchandise so they can put out fall/winter items, which they are already starting to get in. Personally, I thought that was ridiculous but I'm all for a great deal!