Occasional Contributor
Posts: 20
Registered: ‎06-10-2012

Re: Anyone miss the old quacker factory?

I totally agree!! I wore out my ladybug shirt and had to retire it! I was so bummed out!! Please bring some of these back. While some of like the bling, I still like to see the embroidered cardigans.

Oh, and also, bring back the bermuda shorts. I am going on a cruise March and would like some new shorts in different colors. Already have white and red. All others in large are sold out...


Valued Contributor
Posts: 664
Registered: ‎07-18-2010

Re: Anyone miss the old quacker factory?

I feel it was a different company ,a few years ago,and I always found something I like,and the items I have are of design and quality.Frankly,when I watch today,they look like a low end department store.They are most all overdone with more,and more sequins ,to the point they look tacky.I have been disappointed lately,that the styles seem to all look the same!Something needs to change,or ...I guess they will go by the wayside!

Valued Contributor
Posts: 664
Registered: ‎07-18-2010

Re: Anyone miss the old quacker factory?

I have quite a few Quacker pieces in m closet.They are all at least 4 or 5 years old.I used to purchase Quacker Factory,but..something hasasa gone wrong.They all seem now,to be covered with more and more gaudy ,shiny ,objects.My pieces,that I still wear,have ,maybe a pelican,on the top,or maybe some children playing in the sand....WHERE HAVE THESE DESIGNS GONE??? Please start to consider that not all of us want to look like we belong on a Christmas Tree,we just want the simpler and quality,that was once Quacker!