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Re: Acceptable work out clothes?

I think the pictures posted are acceptable clothing for a gym. It is not what I would wear but nothing wrong with someone else wearing it. I would not wear a tiny string bikini on the beach or at the pool but I do not have a problem with someone else wearing one.

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Re: Acceptable work out clothes?

I found the original post of this thread infuriating and offensive. I had to think hard before posting this rebuttal. I tried to word this with candor and clarity but civility. 


I think women get a whole lot of unreasonable judging about what they wear and what they look like in public. If there's no makeup and simple hair, then they don't "look after themselves" or keep themselves "attractive".  If they wear clothing that's revealing, tight, or exposes skin then they are accused of being eye candy and chasing the attention of men--being deliberately  "over attractive"!

This obnoxious harassment of women and girls and being judged on appearances is now normalized starting in school, where girls are sent home for exposing a midriff, shirt skirts, no bra, coloring their hair purple (or anything eccentric) or other "distracting" appearances. Dress codes in school almost universally apply only to girls. There is loads of documentation of this passion for controlling girls to the advantage of boys. Because often the code is cited as being in place so as not to distract or stimulate boys. Boys get to stay in school and attend classes and girls are sent home to change their clothes. Some are suspended if they persist against the dress codes. How girls dress is more important than how much time they spend in school!  

So now we get women who write criticisms of women wearing clothes they like to be seen in in a GYM (institutions dedicated to improving the health and looks of our bodies!!).  This isn't old fashioned modesty standards from the OP and others. Or just fussy overbearing opinions. This is making shame where none is valid. This is judgemental unfairness that burdens women every day in every way in all kinds of places. Not just gyms. Not just in recreation or at leisure. In schools, in business, in motherhood and marriage. 


We all have to mind our business about what women look like and stand up against this kind of constant unfairness and unreasonable standards and expectations.

Let's produce generations of men who value women beyond their looks. It starts with teaching schoolboys not to be distracted by girls' clothing so girls don't have to be sent home just so boys can keep learning properly.  


And it starts with women having  opinions of other women that they actually keep to themselves. Think what you must and feel however you justify your judgemental nosy hostility, but stop the gossip about other women, stop posting these kinds of "examples" of what is wrong or bad or inappropriate from other women, and stop letting yourself perpetuate standards that are never applied to men. 

Have self consciousness about your role in making other women self conscious about their looks. Self respect for women comes from other women respecting them for their contributions and skills and kindnesses,  rather than frowning and rudely disrespecting women for the way they choose to show their bodies in any manner. 

If you feel chastised for your meanness and unfairness, don't chalk it up to being silly or not with the times. Own your attitude and change it. Learn your responsibility to stop perpetuating this way of hurting women and stop yourself. Then stop other women, the way I am trying here. 

Women are half the world. Is the best we can do is tell each other what we're "supposed" to look like?
For shame, OP. 



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Re: Acceptable work out clothes?

Thankfully, it seems that most members are wearing appropriate clothing,  but there will always be some with exhibitionist behaviors. In many different settings, not only in the gym. It's a thing. 


I wouldn't refer to the behavior as intimidating, but as distracting for those who are trying to focus on their exercise plans. 


With some of the things I have been seeing lately, I find myself wondering if we're going to be clothing optional in the future. Might as well be, if we dress in strings. 


I'm far from being prudish and I try to never tell anyone how to live their life. I just secretly giggle in my own head and move on. 

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Re: Acceptable work out clothes?



Thank you Gizmo gal.


Many women like looking attractive and stylish no matter the occasion or the location.


I am usually in that category!  Looking like a slob in public goes against my persona.


Workout clothes are big business now, and there are many cool designs, colors and styles.  Yes, if I were younger, I would certainly buy some of those outfits to wear to the gym--just for ME!  Of course, I have never joined a gym nor would I ever, as I have always competed/participated in sports/arts that required professional gear/outfits.


I agree that many women are envious/critical of other women, which is quite sad.  


That kind of petty hostility continues to exist and probably always will.


I am strong-minded, so I can easily dismiss it, but your defense for all was very well written and very meaningful.



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Re: Acceptable work out clothes?

I agree that what others wear to the gym is not intimidation.  I would be there to work out and it wouldn't bother me what others wear. 

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Re: Acceptable work out clothes?

After reading the OP, I now have an a most inopportune spot to scratch. Woman Wink

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Re: Acceptable work out clothes?

What someone wears to work out in is not my business.  However, I belong to our local Y and there are lots of teenage boys around.  One of the male trainers saw two teens ogling a few of the young women who were wearing attire that some might consider inappropriate.  Teen boys quite often are not even aware that their behavior might be unacceptable.  Anyway, the male trainer told the boys to stop staring and to get on with their workout.  He was fired.  


We live in a society where we can wear what we want, and business today is not in a position to turn too many people away.  However, it is always important to look around and see what others have on.  When I first started at the Y right after it opened, I just put on shorts and a t-shirt.  One day I looked in the mirror and was appalled at what I was wearing.  Big changes happened, but, of course, I could never pull off what a 20 something could.

The next time that I hear salt and ice together, it better be in a margarita!
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Re: Acceptable work out clothes?

I agree with many points in your post. I’m concerned with the way girls and women are sometimes treated as “eye-candy” instead of with respect. Being obsessed with appearance is not healthy and it seems that our culture pushes the latest trends as the must-have look. Girls in their teens are getting plastic surgery to keep up with these trends and dressing in a way that shows everything. It’s an absolute distraction to males. If they showed their bodies the way some females do, many of us might be distracted too. I believe that we could focus more efforts on helping girls feel self-confident based on who they are and the skills they have instead of the way the look and how much they appeal to boys. The pressure to look a certain way is insane these days so while I think we agree on trying to promote kind supportive women, I also think it’s important to teach girls to present themselves in a way that demands respect rather than promote sexual objectification.
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Re: Acceptable work out clothes?

I get what you are saying @caroln242.   


An objective analysis of the first photo, I must ask why is the female sticking her butt out like that wearing tights when all she is doing is picking up weights? 


Tights weren't enough, there's a thong to accentuate her crack and ample buttocks. Would a picture of her buttocks be taken if someone else hadn't noticed? 


Caring what others wear has nothing to do with it.  Most could care less what others wear, but this attire and pose definitely would be noticed by some women and men and an opinion or judgement would be made.


For anyone wanting to see a good example of how some women send messages by what they wear, this is a good one. 


This is often thought to be "pick-up" dressing by those with traditional values. Those with different values may disagree.  







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Re: Acceptable work out clothes?

I don’t think they look attractive; I think they look gross! Not to mention uncomfortable!