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Good Morning all


Holy Cr@p @Sweetbay magnolia   I didn't hear they were closing up shop.  Man I better get shopping.

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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Re: AMS chat 4 22

[ Edited ]

Just got back from Shop-Rite and Walgreens. It's 60 degrees in New Jersey today with scattered showers! Enjoy Saturday everyone!

Happy Earth Day. April 22. Happy planet smiles


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Good morning @jackthebear  and others:


A busy day at my house finding things to do for the GDs. They're here until tomorrow nite. After breakfast, we're going up to my studio topaint and I took down my beads, findings so they can make friendship bracelets. Baking's on the schedule this afternoon. Strong storms, tornadoes, hail headed this way (maybe) today and hope we don't lose power. 


Wishing everone a Happy Weekend.

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@1 DancinQueen 


Yep! The rain! And sunshine in the 80's the past two days!


The DDs family went up to the water park at Lake Erie. They were hoping for sunshine but...

I have some pics of Lake Erie from a couple of weeks ago... it is so uninhabited-ly beautiful up there, but apparently a storm hit and cut off most of the younger trees at the exact same point not long ago. It is disappointing to see what I think of as "savage nature" but Mother Nature does know what she is doing?

~Have a Kind Heart, Fierce Mind, Brave Spirit~
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Someone special is having a birthday on Monday


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There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

@1 DancinQueen 

@jackthebear @Shanus @meallen616 @Bird mama 


I'm a "Lug convert"! 
Love all of the organization they offer.

I'm a fan of solid colors for daily carrying.

My best style so far is the Dory, but purchased a print north-south style last summer in print and just didn't carry it very often. 
I go walking every day at the mall. Don't need to carry lots with me, but still I want all the options to stay back in the car for"just in case"!

~Have a Kind Heart, Fierce Mind, Brave Spirit~
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@LTT1    Are you walking at SHVillage or RTMall?  If RTM, we have probably "walked together" some days!

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@1 DancinQueen 


I walk at the mall around the corner... the "R" one!

I am very short, blonde, and let's see ... wear my sunglasses on my head!

~Have a Kind Heart, Fierce Mind, Brave Spirit~
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Lug bags presentations...


you guys here at QVC are really BAD at showing the components of these bags:


1. While the vendor is trying to explain the compartments and the REASONS the compartments are designed as such, someone is in the hosts ear urging them to say inane things such as (and interrupting), "look there's so much room!" [I'm trying to listen to the fact that the cc slots are positioned AWAY from the body so you can easily retrieve without others seeing


2. The front compartment of the Skeeter has two zipper pulls allowing for completely open and/or only partially unzip


3. Each section of this bag has nice "extras" such as clear compartment windows which I consider a blessing.


What's wrong with you all? Everything I mentioned above are key SELLING POINTS! Do you NOT WANT to sell these?

Check out the video on the app (because the video on the site cuts off after 2 seconds). You can see what I mean there.

In fact, I used "screen recording" so I'd have the entire presentation for when my order arrives.

I am a CUSTOMER pointing out selling points that are your responsibility.

And my critique goes to the vendor's own website, where detailing all of the items fitting inside the bags are very poorly shown.

~Have a Kind Heart, Fierce Mind, Brave Spirit~
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@Bird mama   Oh my how nice of you to make note and wish me another Happy one. It's a big one this year at # 70.  Thank YOU so much for this!