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I am up 

Good Morning 


Quaker is on they are not usually in AMS

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It's nice to see Pat this AM.


I've been binge buying Carolyn Pollack/Amercan West pieces since I learned they are closing up shop.


The AmEx card is nearly in flames.


Good morning to all!

Cogito ergo sum
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@Sweetbay magnolia wrote:

It's nice to see Pat this AM.


I've been binge buying Carolyn Pollack/Amercan West pieces since I learned they are closing up shop.


The AmEx card is nearly in flames.


Good morning to all!

check eBay too

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Good morning and Happy Earth Day! Won't be watching too long this morning, rain is supposed to be moving in and I want to play in the dirt a little before it comes, if it does! I almost got the two t-shirts before I realized this was a TSV a little while ago and I didn't like that they were cotton/rayon and didn't like that one is a swing top, which they again failed to mention. Close call. Enjoy this day!

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Good Morning All!


We're getting a major storm here later today also.  Getting out early to do my errand running.  I'll check online later for what I missed.

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Registered: ‎06-18-2021

Good Morning to all out there.  Raining here in W.PA, but no fierce weather.  Condolences to those that have been hit hard with storms.  Heart wrenching to see the wreckage left behind.  


Think the Spenco thongs are cute, but I need a lot more feet to justify the number of sandals in my closet.  I mean, I need to get a's not like I can wear them 12 months of the year unless I move!


We have a charity dinner dance tonight.  Yesterday it was 82 and we had all our windows open airing out the house and cooling us off.  Today we have rain and a high of 57.  Been a little hard to plan what to wear tonight.  Definitely NOT wearing sandals in the rain. Definitely wearing my Dancin' Shoes and guess we'll work our way up my body from there!

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@Sweetbay magnolia   I hear you.  I bought a pair of Laurie Felt from ebay and one from Zulily this week after seeing her letter of "retirement".  Like her jeans.

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@Sweetbay magnolia @There's a lunchtime special American West ring today


it's really pretty but limited sizes just 5-7.

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@Caaareful Shopper @Carolina925 @Sweetbay magnolia 


Good morning!

Yep! It's starting to rain!


Nice to see Pat on the show this morning.


I ordered Lug style Wander in Metallic Pearl. 

This was not the style I had hoped to find and I'm still trying to decide whether to keep it based on the fact that I like the color.

~Have a Kind Heart, Fierce Mind, Brave Spirit~
Super Contributor
Posts: 401
Registered: ‎06-18-2021

@LTT1     I like the couple of Lug bags I have.  Just love using them when I travel as they are soo much lighter than a leather bag to start with,  Hate when using a crossbody and the weight of them start to feel like they are pulling down my neck.  Not with LUG.