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A friend posted a link to Pinterest which featured this rule? Has anyone heard of it? I may give it a whirl for our upcoming trip to So Cal!

5 tops

4 bottoms

3 accessories

2 pairs of shoes

1 swimsuit

I will most likely leave the belt and swimsuit at home, but I am sure I can find reasonable substitutions. Probably a scarf for the belt (one that I can wear/carry a variety of ways), and a jacket for the swimsuit.

Oh, and forget the shorts! I would definitely switch to a pair of capris.

So, what do you think? Would this type of scheme work for you?

(edited to add link)

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Re: 5-4-3-2-1 Pack Light Rule

For how long ??? I could easily pack this way for a 2 week trip and have. Do not forget under garments and sleep wear and a swimsuit coverup.
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Re: 5-4-3-2-1 Pack Light Rule

The original poster (on facebook) mentioned a 2-week trip. I don't count underwear. I'm surprised they didn't suggest using one's LBD for both a coverup and an evening out. Personally, that would never work for me, as I am a wet, sandy mess after a day at the beach.

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Re: 5-4-3-2-1 Pack Light Rule

I do not like wearing the same clothes from 9 AM to 9 PM. I like to freshen up for dinner. Also, this assumes that the type of restaurant you are going to for a evening meal is strictly casual. We usually go out to a more upscale restaurant in the evening and daytime casual would not be the normal attire.
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Re: 5-4-3-2-1 Pack Light Rule

I wonder, if you buy the reversible jeans from IM, if you have to count those for two of your four bottoms. Wink

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Re: 5-4-3-2-1 Pack Light Rule

You are going to need a rain jacket, and umbrella. You can find great packing tips, etc on YouTube.

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Re: 5-4-3-2-1 Pack Light Rule

This is about how I pack for a 10 day trip...sometimes even just three bottoms and maybe six tops. I make sure that I pack bottoms that will match more than one of the tops, so I have several looks.

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Re: 5-4-3-2-1 Pack Light Rule

For 2 weeks? NO way. I would have to have more bottoms and a skirt. I always travel with a black skirt and a nice black top for a night out. I also need flip flops for a night out and for around the hotel. My around the hotel dress is also usually my coverup. Or I will take 2 or 3 things that can be used to sleep in THEN for a cover up because the coverup gets wadded up and damp, so that works.

But yes, I could do this for 2 weeks if I use the hotel laundry service. Which I do! I almost always have things cleaned for the last few days and the trip home.

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Re: 5-4-3-2-1 Pack Light Rule

Depends somewhat on where you're going, what you'll be doing, and how long you'll be there. I always chuckle when I see "light packing" guidelines that suggest you use one piece of clothing in multiple ways -- at the pool, at the beach, sightseeing -- and then to a business meeting or dressy dinner. I'm never sure what they think you'll do about the beach sand that inevitably works its way into the fabric, the clinging smell of pool chlorine, the intoxicating odor of perspiration after a summer day out "seeing the sights", or what you do when you drop a big glob of cheesy pasta down the front of your one and only dressy top. Life is messy and real, folks! I need some changes of clothes when I travel!

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Registered: ‎03-16-2010

Re: 5-4-3-2-1 Pack Light Rule

That is very light packing for a two-week trip!

I maybe could do it for one week, providing I was on a tropical vacation where we are at the beach all day in swimsuits and then only get dressed to go out for dinner. I would make a few revisions though. Change out 2 bottoms for 2 dresses and two of the accessories would be an additional swimsuit and a cover up that would be appropriate for a beach restaurant breakfast.

Then on the plane I would look like a pack mule because I would be wearing all the other stuff that didn't adhere to the 5-4-3-2-1- rule!