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Re: 1950's Not So Old Fashioned.

The first thing I noticed was the hair.  I haven't seen the

"Flip" for a long time.  I wore that style in the 60's.


The short-shorts and midriff top is cute.  I wore them too, but not around my father.  He once picked me up in his car while I walking with female friends and took me home to embarrassing.

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Re: 1950's Not So Old Fashioned.

Everyone does not wear the same thing on the beach. People wear shorts among other things, not just 👙
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Re: 1950's Not So Old Fashioned.

DH and I were at the lake today.  Saw thongs and bikinis that barely covered the front and were only small ties at the sides.


It was funny.  One of the girls who was wearing a thong was having trouble figuring out how to sit on the small towel her and her boyfriend had and not get sand in an important place.


Saw another woman with a tiger bikini on.  She was much too large to be wearing a bikini but probably wanted to show her many colorrful tatoos, one went up her thigh and continued to her hip (which was showing at the side of the bikini.)


I made a comment about the difference in beach attire from the early 1900 to now where people wore woolen bathing suits covering to the knees and shoulders.  It was a wonder they didn't drown.  Big difference in life thru the decades

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Re: 1950's Not So Old Fashioned.

If only many women actually looked as nice as this photo...people always seemed to dress nicely back then.  Every photo of my mom and her family and friends ALWAYS looked so nice.  The styles today are just completely casual to the point of sometimes looking sloppy.  

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Re: 1950's Not So Old Fashioned.

@bargainsgirl . I remember some people not dressing so well back in the 50's and 60's.


They wore patterns for tops and bottoms that clashed and thick white socks with one up and one down with dark clunky shoes with summer clothing.


Clothing was wrinkled and stained too.  I remember people stunk because they didn't shower or change clothing everyday or wear deodorant. It was common to have wet underarms because antiperspirant didn't work so well.


Of course, no one got their pictures taken looking like that and if they did, those picture didn't survive.


People haven't changed at all....just fashions. Sloppy people will always be sloppy people and they will always exist.

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Re: 1950's Not So Old Fashioned.

@Foxxee wrote:


@Josmad wrote:

I don't know where you go but I go to the pool everyday and there is not 1 person that is dressed in anything close to those outfits.




That's because they are short shorts, not bathing suits.  

So true. That song We Wear Short Shorts .   I still wear short shorts.  4" inseam are mostly mine.  I don't care for Bermudas.  Men shorts to me. My tankni's have bikini bottoms.  Swim flowered dresses have always been around.  That never changed at all.  Almost all QVC sells. Bikini's have been around since the 1950's. Though they assembled bra and panties at the time. My father was in Brazil in the 1960's.  Nearly all women he saw wore the thong bikini.  That was the most daring swim outfits.  And they still wear them. 

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Re: 1950's Not So Old Fashioned.

A lot returns.  Platform shoes in our life time re-emerged in 1970  before that they were in French courts.

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Re: 1950's Not So Old Fashioned.

bette davis 1930s


bette davis 1930s.jfif

"The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing." - Albert Einstein
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Re: 1950's Not So Old Fashioned.

@ECBG wrote:

A lot returns.  Platform shoes in our life time re-emerged in 1970  before that they were in French courts.


Louis Heels are not platform shoes