Posts: 74
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: iPad Yes, you can cut/pastequestion

[ Edited ]

@Stardust2  Yes you can read your email on an iPad. I have 4 different email accounts (Apple, gmail and 2 Comcast). The iPad email program handles them all quite well and keeps everything separate. 

I do everything on my iPad these days (banking, bill paying, email, web surfing, social media, games, genealogy, shopping). I once found one thing that did not work on iPad...why they required using a computer I never did understand but now they allow you to use tablet computers. IPads come with almost all necessary software you will need already installed and free of charge...there is an office suite of programs that is compatible with Microsoft Office, easy to use and well documented...if the help you need  isn't in the program, the Apple library application, Books, has a great deal of documentation available free of charge, as well as being a source for buying books just as you would from any bookstore.


I have other tablet computers (Samsung, Amazon Fire) but they do not work as well or easy for me as iPads. I also have Windows and MacBook laptops but I go weeks without turning them on. 

Apple stores offer instruction in using their products and you can probably find local schools and organizations offering classes. Young people are an excellent source of help (I use nieces and nephews all the time).


Happy iPadding!


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Posts: 790
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: iPad question

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@patricia38 , @Stardust2 , have you purchased your tablets already?  I regret I don't follow this forum closely, but if you haven't already made your purchase, I would be happy to be of help.


If you don't have a friend/neighbor to help you learn, it is not intuitive as people say to learn to use a tablet, especially an iPad.  It shouldn't be feared though because you don't have to learn all about one at once.  I spend at least 8 hours a day with my iPad; I've had one for several years and I am still learning to use it. If you have a Senior Center or Adult Education in your area, they may offer classes.


I learned things here on this forum and by asking questions to friends, including 10 year old friends.  Once I was superficially comfortable, I was able to Google questions and read how to do things and to watch instructional YouTube videos.


I started my tablet addiction several years ago with an Amazon Fire tablet.  I am glad I did as that was the easiest to use.  Mine is old now so I don't know if newer ones are as easy.  That said, I am happier using an iPad.  


I guess I shouldn't be writing such a long post without knowing if there is interest, but must add:  yes, you can copy/paste on an iPad, and I do that all the time, but it is difficult and very frustrating.  I use my computer when I write letters, write up recipes, file my income taxes, really everything that is longer than these little posts.  I have to have the ease of use of a mouse.  Using my fingers on a touchscreen is horrible.


But the joys of using my iPad make up for the annoyances. The iPad is wonderful for reading forums like this, watching YouTube videos, watching shows I stream from places like Amazon Prime or Netflix (although I dropped Netflix because they don't have much I like), reading email, online shopping, and online banking/bill paying.


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Posts: 790
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Yes, I talk a lot.  I must add the most important way I became comfortable with a tablet:  playing games.  I enjoyed playing so much, I gradually used the tablet more and more.  I started playing what are probably simpleton games, pursuing some object.  This got me accustomed to using a touchscreen.  As none of the games I liked are still available on iPad, I switched to my current love: word games, especially various anagram games.

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Posts: 790
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: iPad question

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Yet another way to save money is to buy a refurbished iPad.  I strongly recommend if taking this route to buy directly from Apple, no one else.  You need to get to the refurbished page of the Apple online shop.  I bought an iPad from there a few years ago and it works perfectly.


You don't want to buy one that is too old because before too long, it would not be able to accept software/security/operating system updates. A fifth generation is new enough as they were released earlier this year.  Edited to add:  this generation business varies by iPad model.


Quoting Apple:


All refurbished iPad models come with a new battery, new outer shell, are backed by a one-year warranty, have free delivery and returns, and also include:

  • Full functional testing, genuine Apple part replacements (if necessary), and a thorough cleaning
  • The original Operating System or a more recent version1
  • All refurbished devices are repackaged in a brand new box with all accessories and cables