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Is anyone familiar with the implant?  Doctors aren't a big help.  I have tinnitus in a poor hearing ear and the Dr. advises.  But Some say it can make the tinnitus worse.  Would appreciate any input.


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@matty liz wrote:

Is anyone familiar with the implant?  Doctors aren't a big help.  I have tinnitus in a poor hearing ear and the Dr. advises.  But Some say it can make the tinnitus worse.  Would appreciate any input.


@matty liz 

What kind of doctor is advising that?  Is that your family doctor, a specialist ENT certified doctor or a hearing aid guy?

Posts: 22
Registered: ‎11-16-2018

When I enquired for cochlear implants for my hearing problem I was told by both Audiologist as well  as ENT that it only works if you are just abot completely feaf in one ear to qualify.  

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I suggest seeking medical advice for cochlear implant surgery ONLY from a board- certified ENT specialist. 

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An ENT gave me the advise and as was said I was not satisfied.  It is the tinnitus that is a big problem for me and sad to say I thought the ENT cpuldn't do anything about it so he sent me to a surgen that did them.  Neither were honest in my mind.  Thanks ladies.

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Q checker that ENT was exactly what you stated that is why I am so upset.

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@guuuus wrote:

When I enquired for cochlear implants for my hearing problem I was told by both Audiologist as well  as ENT that it only works if you are just abot completely feaf in one ear to qualify.  


That is what our ENT, the government approving agency, two audiologists told us and that it would only be paid for under those conditions, which my DH met, had met for quite sometime but we had been ripped off for many sets of hearing aids which were to no avail but someone's fat banking account.

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Posts: 639
Registered: ‎03-14-2011

Nonametoday, believe it or not that is exactly why I turned to you guys.  I am honestly seeking and I'll get new hearing aids but so expensive .  I was shocked when this ENT sent me to the surgeon.  I could read between the lines that this would cause more damage than good.  At least you guys have affirmed my thinking and I will have to keep searching to help me.  So many thanks







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@matty liz   How long have you had the tinnitus? I've had mine in the right ear for 25 yrs and was told then (and subsequently), that there's nothing they can do to resolve it.


I don't even think about it anymore.  Some days are worse than others; however, like today, when its bad, I just became bothered by it because I read your post and responded. 


In other words, it's a "manageable" situation and I CERTAINLY would have looked into remedies if, indeed, there were any that actually worked!

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Posts: 10,544
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

@Q-Checker wrote:

I suggest seeking medical advice for cochlear implant surgery ONLY from a board- certified ENT specialist. 


See ENT specialist first.  You will need referral and only when recommended by ENT as some of the new and anxious cochlear implant guys are very anxious to implant these very expensive devices at a very high cost.  I would NEVER have such a procedure done without several professional opinions.