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Re: ? about Kindle first for prime members

@jaxs mom wrote:

@mima wrote:

@jaxs mom wrote:

Have him add you to his Amazon account household. Then you can share more benefits. Alternatively you can just add your kindle to his Amazon account. I have my husband and my kids kindles registered to my Amazon account. 

@jaxs mom  When you add someone, do they have their own password?  Can they see what you purchased?  

Option 1


With household accounts, they use their own Amazon account to log in, but you have to agree to share purchase insturments. And there is a process you have to go through once to verify. But when they buy something they pay for it themselves. If you are sharing kindle books, then yes they can see them, but I think there is a way to choose which books to share. I don't know. I use option 2 for my kids and husbands kindles. 


Option 2


Have all kindles registered to one Amazon account. In this case, of course they can see all your purchases, because as far as Amazon knows, they are all your kindles. And the account they are registered to is the one charged for all purchases. You would want to turn off whispersync so that your bookmarks don't sync across devices. 

@jaxs mom  So with Option 2, if you buy them a gift they will see it, right?


On option 1, you have to agree to share purchase instruments.  I hate to ask, but what does that mean?


Thank you!!