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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Very simple camera recommendations..

Hi..I need a recommendation for a very simple digital camera...zoom maybe 5x...and a 3 inch LCD display..its for my 89yr old dad..he doesn't have a computer..looks at pics on his digital picture frame I got him...or brings the card to Walmart and has prints made..He likes taking pictures of his garden..He has my old first has a display of about 1 inch lol..those first digital cameras had small displays...and he mentioned the other day that it was hard to see what he had taken a pic of..Ya THINK!!..I can't even see a 1 inch display anymore ...And I'm not 89.

A friend of mine recommended a Fuji...I was looking at a FujiFilm AX330 at Walmart online..It comes with card and a simple case..and its red..a good color for him to spot if he sets it down somewhere in his house...I've never had a Fuji before but my friend loves his..

Any other recommendations would be appreciated...Thanks DW..