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Do you use minutes while on wifi?  I thought you didn't but just read a review that says you do use up your minutes using wifi.

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Not true.

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No, your wifi (data) is deducted separately based on data usage. Minutes are used for voice. Your data (wifi) is spent using the internet measured in bytes, not minutes.

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Texting does not use data either. You can still text while disconnected from wifi.

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An inaccurate review?   Really?   Why am I not at all shocked!

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If you have the mobile data turned on and you wander too far from your wifi, it'll use your data, but I just keep the mobile data turned off until I need it. Minutes are only used when you're actively talking on the phone. Service on Tracfone is divided into three categories. You got talk minutes, data, and texts. Each is independent of the other. There are wifi services you can use (Google Voice being one) that lets you make phone calls over wifi. If you call a lot of people from your home or a source with wifi and talk a lot, those services can save you a lot of minutes/money.

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I had wifi calling on my phone when I first got it but it disappeared, and now unless I use an app like duo,.it uses my minutes to talk. Does it depend on Tracfone? I would like to get it back on my phone because not everyone I talk to uses google duo.

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@pinkskates4 wrote:

Do you use minutes while on wifi?  I thought you didn't but just read a review that says you do use up your minutes using wifi.






I have had Tracfone for over 10 years and talking on the phone is the only thing that have used my minutes. With Facetime or whatever names there are for Video Talking? Never used it, but seems like that would fall into the wifi category.


With wifi what is used is data, not minutes. Texts are self explanatory with the number of them in your Plan. Unless something as changed with Tracfone of which I am unaware, there are still only 3 categories: MINUTES/TEXT/DATA. 





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I think I know which review the OP is talking about and it's clear the "reviewer" was talking about data usage.  She said she didn't text or talk on the phone much, but that she was having to buy $10 in "minutes" every week.


Well, if you're using your phone as a tablet to play games or surf the web and you don't keep the wifi turned on, of course it's going to eat up your data.  Sounds like someone who doesn't understand how a Tracfone works.  Operator error!