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Spam calls totally frustrated. For the last two weeks receiving 20 to 25 calls per day and ends after 9 p.m. Worthless to report to the do not call list. I have the call blocked thing with the red button and a call block button on my phone and been using both daily. You can't get any thing done or take a nap in the afternoon. Wish somebody would invent something better or whatever. DH does not want to get rid of the land line house phone. Y'all know anything else that really works? Thanks.

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What I've been doing for quite a while is this:  If it's a number I don't know, and I think it's SPAM, I pick it up and don't make a sound (put TV on mute, etc.).  Most times, I get a hang up after 10-15 seconds and only then do I hang up.


After having followed this procedure for a couple of years, we get *very* few SPAM calls.  I have to assume some of the calls you're getting are repeats, so eventually they will give up?  Another technique you could follow is:  pick up the phone right away and then hang up right away (again, without making a sound).


Of course, with as many calls as you're getting, it would be very time consuming to answer every one of them.


Good luck!



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I've noticed that they don't call on weekends or holidays - no spam calls at all!  So, there's that.


I use Nomorobo, and report the calls that leave a message on my phone, even if the message is just silence.  Nomorobo will investigate the number and put it on their list if they agree it's a robocall.  I don't know if it helps but I feel like I'm fighting back somehow.

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@SouthernBee If the land line is not your primary phone, turn off the ringer and leave it off.

Posts: 25
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It's call a answering machine. Let it screen phone calls for you! It's hard not to answer the phone because it's the polite thing to do in our generation, but we didn't have robocalls etc. Let family and close friends that you are screening calls, and buy some peace of mind, an listen to hang ups.


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Put a pillow over the phone and take a nap.  Don't forget to remove it when you waken.

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There are some cordless phone/answering systems that require callers to enter a code to make your phone ring. You give it out to as many potential callers as you want. Yes, you will miss some legitimate calls, but the robocalls will be blocked.

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@mars01 wrote:

It's call a answering machine. Let it screen phone calls for you! It's hard not to answer the phone because it's the polite thing to do in our generation, but we didn't have robocalls etc. Let family and close friends that you are screening calls, and buy some peace of mind, an listen to hang ups.


This is what my sister does with her landline.


She lets every call go to their answering machine unless she's expecting a call.  They don't even have a phone that shows the number calling.  She has told everyone she does this, so we all know to let them know when we get the answering machine and will wait a few seconds after saying who we are in case they are at home, in which case they will answer the phone.


She figures if it's a legitimate and important call, the calling party will leave a message.

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Re: Spam phone calls

[ Edited ]

I have kept my landline for emergencies and for those who knew my home number. We have four landline phones and I have turned the ringer off on 3 of them.  The only one that rings is in an out of the way place and I don''t bother to answer it if I happen to hear it ring.  When I think of it I check the caller ID to see if there are any calls there I do want.


Occasionally there is from an elderly relative or a long ago friend for example who wouldn't know our cell numbers.

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Registered: ‎07-12-2011

Re: Spam phone calls

[ Edited ]

I remember some years back during one of the presidential races we would get maybe 25 calls in one day. At the time I had an elderly mother living with me and she liked to nap during the day. The calls came in from morning to around 5pm. What I finally did for a few days is I left my fax machine on and that eliminated the problem. Just a temporary solution, not long term though.