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SCAM “APPLE account compromised” no just no

Some here have gotten these phone calls before.

Do not call the number they give you (fake)

Call Apple customer service and speak directly yo them.

APPLE says this scamming happens regularly.


You don’t want to give “them” any information!


We were just called...but we got to APPLE right away.

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Re: SCAM “APPLE account compromised” no just no

I got these calls last year, and again last month. I googled it and learned it was a scam, so this year I didn't even think about it. They were persistent though, I got 15 calls in one day.

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Re: SCAM “APPLE account compromised” no just no

Wasn't aware of the call.  Thanks for the information.

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Re: SCAM “APPLE account compromised” no just no

I think that when we all get "hip" to there scams this will stop. How annoying, glad to see these puplic service threads. I have started a few of them myself. I knew they would find there way to Apple just a matter of time. I have not had these calls for Apple as of yet. Time will tell. 

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Re: SCAM “APPLE account compromised” no just no

[ Edited ]

People should know a company is not going to call and ask for payment in gift cards.  How can people not know this? Why aren't they calling to verify with the company, irs, family, etc.  before sending any money? 

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Re: SCAM “APPLE account compromised” no just no

They send out scam e-mail too


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Re: SCAM “APPLE account compromised” no just no


They send out scam e-mail too


People should know they don't send e-mail either. 

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Re: SCAM “APPLE account compromised” no just no

Sort of recently I had tried to block someone from calling me by using my providers call blocking system


 I was having trouble doing it and used my online ,"Help" person


She began asking me all sorts of "old' security  questions and i got disgusted with her and said ,"forget it"  .lol and got off line.


Very soon I got an e-mail,from Apple, saying my acct was  compromised and if i did not comply with the e-mail I would be locked out..........


I ignored it ,of course.....


Then we had a power outage and my IPad wouldn't work after that,it was "LOCKED" 


I didn't panic ,although I had in the back of my .. and just ignored it and stayed "locked out" for a few days.

Then I deceided to stop recharging it and pulled the plug and let it deplete.


That fixed it.It works just perfectly now..............

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Re: SCAM “APPLE account compromised” no just no

For a while I got quite a few phishing emails. They were usually legitimate looking invoices for iTune purchases which I supposedly made and needed to verify.  Of course I did not click on any links.


Sent the emails to  I don't know what Apple does with them, but I was told to 

forward them by an Apple rep.


So far, I haven’t received any phone calls.



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Re: SCAM “APPLE account compromised” no just no

I get emails all the time alerting me to a problem with my account .....  accounts I never had.  I just ignore them.