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Opinions on iphone 8+ vs. iphone10

Let me say I am an Android user and my hubby is an I phone user. I am considering making a switch. I would like opinions on both I phones compared to Android. Please

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Re: Opinions on iphone 8+ vs. iphone10



I had a Samsung Galaxy Note II -which was my first 'smart' phone about 6 years ago. I switched to my first Apple iphone (The 6S and will never go back to Android). You will love your Apple iPhone- my vote is to switch👍🏼. You won't be sorry and it's user friendly too. 

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Re: Opinions on iphone 8+ vs. iphone10



I am devoted to iPhone because I am familiar with these. 

Have not used an Android.


technology blows me away.

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Re: Opinions on iphone 8+ vs. iphone10

[ Edited ]



Me too, between the iPhone and iPad-it's all I need. I have an older Model iPad, I think it's a an iPad 2 but someday wish to own the iPad Air. I don't use a personal computer desktop or laptop anymore. These two devices fill my needs perfectly. 

I am a true Apple convert. 👌🏽


(PS- your avatar is so cute !)😊

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Re: Opinions on iphone 8+ vs. iphone10

If I was upgrading today, I'm buy the X. The screen is bigger than 8+ but the phone is overall smaller. It also has more features and better hardware. 

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Re: Opinions on iphone 8+ vs. iphone10

Curious also...waiting for black friday looking at S8 ... Is it differcult switching to I8 after using android? Tia
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Re: Opinions on iphone 8+ vs. iphone10

I used a Samsung Galaxy for several years.  My phone died early in September and I decided on getting an iPhone.  My husband and kids both have iPhones and talked me into it.  While I liked my Samsung a lot I really love the iPhone and I've found it easy to get used to.


I knew that the new iPhone 8 & 10 would be coming out in a few weeks but at the time only the 7 ( (and the 6) was available.  I got the 7 plus and I love it!


Honestly I don't know why they bothered to release the 8 when the 10 (what happened to the 9?) came out shortly afterwards!

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Re: Opinions on iphone 8+ vs. iphone10

[ Edited ]

@Sweet_Serenity  That is what I am worried about too.

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Re: Opinions on iphone 8+ vs. iphone10



There will definitely be a learning curve. Like @Deanie my husband had the iPhone and I had the droid. He, plus my adult children helped me learn useful tips and tricks and taught me a lot. I'm still learning, but having experienced both, there's no turning back. I can't stand a regular phone call anymore, only talk with family via FaceTime. I FaceTime daughter and grandkids everyday.


People are always happy to show you things too. Plus I like safari and I have NEVER had a virus infect my phone or iPad. Apples' security seems better too. 

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Re: Opinions on iphone 8+ vs. iphone10

I use my phone for seperate computer.