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How can I prepare myself to be tech savvy enough to do this? Which Apple device do you recommend (I have the course requirements for computer services but I want opinions)? Has anyone here ever undertaken a completely online Graduate degree?
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Hi, violann! I've never done an on-line course myself, but I teach on-line!

I don't think you need any other device. You already have the computer requirements, so that should take care of things. Usually, they suggest one browser over another, so that's simple enough.

Each course should be self-contained. It really depends on your Instructor, if they are going to gather the group together for any live participation, but the distance program the college/university is working with should provide for all of that.

Hope you have a great experience!

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I have a friend who got a MA degree in Educational Leadership from Kaplan University online. It cost her $26,000. She is a retired teacher, and wants to run a school or work in a related field. My friend is currently working part time. I would say find a regular program at a college or university.
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I agree you should find a program from an accredited B&M college or university. I had a few teaching colleagues who enrolled in programs you see advertised on TV. After the fact they learned many school districts did not recognize coursework from these diploma mills. Our board reimbursed us for graduate course fees. They did not reimburse for many of these online schools.

Choose your program carefully and good luck.

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There are a lot of B&M universities that now offer a combination of on-line and classroom MBAs or MAs.

I think your degree will be more valuable from a B&M school. They have great opportunities to be mentored and to socialize with other grads and have placement departments too.

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Any college/university offers both distance and in-house course studies. That's what we do. I don't know anything about institutions that are solely on-line. Apart from accreditation, what else should she look for? I don't know. All I know is that all our students' credits transfer.

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Oy- I've already chosen the program, and it's one of several run by one of the oldest universities in the US. I'm a little shocked that you'd think otherwise! I DO appreciate your concern though! All that aside, do any of you have any thoughts about the 3 questions I actually asked? I'm going to take the technical requirements list to the Apple Store later this week and see what I can find out there. The degree I'm interested in is fully accredited/supported by the B&M university, by the way, and there are about ten other graduate degrees also offered online.
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On 7/22/2014 violann said: Oy- I've already chosen the program, and it's one of several run by one of the oldest universities in the US. I'm a little shocked that you'd think otherwise! I DO appreciate your concern though! All that aside, do any of you have any thoughts about the 3 questions I actually asked? I'm going to take the technical requirements list to the Apple Store later this week and see what I can find out there. The degree I'm interested in is fully accredited/supported by the B&M university, by the way, and there are about ten other graduate degrees also offered online.

My son edits movies and commercials on Apple computers.

They are very helpful at the stores...he goes there a lot.

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On 7/22/2014 terrier3 said:
On 7/22/2014 violann said: Oy- I've already chosen the program, and it's one of several run by one of the oldest universities in the US. I'm a little shocked that you'd think otherwise! I DO appreciate your concern though! All that aside, do any of you have any thoughts about the 3 questions I actually asked? I'm going to take the technical requirements list to the Apple Store later this week and see what I can find out there. The degree I'm interested in is fully accredited/supported by the B&M university, by the way, and there are about ten other graduate degrees also offered online.

My son edits movies and commercials on Apple computers.

They are very helpful at the stores...he goes there a lot.

We have two iMacs (desk top computers) and two Macbook Pros (laptops). My son's MBP was purchased last year and he loves it! It met all university requirements (did not even know this was such a thing...I'm getting old) and when he is home from school his Mac desk top just sits there gathering dust because he enjoys the laptop so much. My Macbook Pro is over 7 years old and going strong. I love it and wouldn't sell it for love nor money {} The only issue with mine is because it is so old it is quite a bit heavier than my son's, his is light as a feather compared to mine. The Apple stores are very helpful and even some Best Buys have mini Apple Stores/departments in them. Good luck!

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There are also many diploma mills. Recent example, our veterans who get full paid tuition & have chosen these type of colleges R ending up with no job because these "universities" lack credibility. No one will hire them!

Do your homework. Online course work is credible and for those who aren't in their 20's anymore, good option for continuing your education.