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Hope someone can help. I lost the icon on the toolbar and can't make things louder. I tried right clicking on the taskbar, but didn't see where I could add it back. What else could I try?

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Re: Lost my volume icon. Help


If you are using a PC(?), can you see a button at the top of the keyboard that has the "horn" on it?  Make sure it is lit up.



Go to "computer" "control panel" choose "sounds" and make sure the speaker is "enabled."

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Re: Lost my volume icon. Help

[ Edited ]

Having no idea what type of device you're talking about, I can only respond as to what I see on my computer.   I am currently on a laptop with Windows 8.  The older Windows OS will have the same thing but I don't know about Win10 - 


Just go to 'Control Panel' and choose 'Sound'.  There you can make adjustments.


To get the icon back into the 'Notification Area' at the bottom right of a screen, just click on the arrow and click on 'Customize'.  Then go down the list until you see the speaker and you can change it to 'show icon and notifications'.  


HTH Smiley Happy

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Lost my volume icon. Help

Did you try clicking on the ^ symbol to see if it is hidden?

You can also press FN (next to ctrl) and F12 to increase volume and F11 to decrease volume . 

Hope this helps.

“We should be too big to take offense and too noble to give it.” Abraham Lincoln
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Re: Lost my volume icon. Help

I am using a Dell PC running Windows 7. The volume bottom on top is not lit up, nor has it ever been. I tried the up button on the toolbar and it says  Realtek sound control, but there is nothing to click to show the sound button on the toolbar. I found a place where it says to display the sound button with a drop down arrow, but it is not highlighted so I can't click on it. So I am still stuck. In the past, when this happend I was able to customize the toolbar as suggested, but this Realtek button is new and seems to have replaced my horn button.

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Re: Lost my volume icon. Help

Is there one that looks like a speaker?  It's just white and points to the right with a couple of )) after it.  That would be the one I'd get in my notification area.  It will have a range thing that you get when you click on it and you can adjust it up or down.


I hope that made sense.   The 'Realtek' icon, while obviously relative to sound, isn't probably the one you need.  You need that speaker-looking one.  Smiley Happy

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Re: Lost my volume icon. Help

The speaker one is the one that is missing.  I played around and found a way to bypass my problem. I click on the Realtek icon and can adjust the volume sideways. Thanks for everyone who tried to help me.

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Re: Lost my volume icon. Help

Well, darn!  Smiley Sad   I figured that when you went to 'Customize' you'd find it there among all the other ones.    Seems like there would be a place to add it to the Notification area, but I didn't run across that in my search to see if I could help.


At any rate, I'm glad you were able to find a way to adjust the volume!  Smiley Happy

Posts: 39
Registered: ‎08-10-2014

Re: Lost my volume icon. Help

I had the exact same problem two weeks ago with my volume icon disappearing.   When I went into the notifications area it was greyed out and I couldn't select it.   I went to this link and selected "fix it for me".  Once I downloaded and ran the file I was then able to go into the notifications area and select the volume icon.   It's been fine ever since.  Hope this helps!