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Hmmm. Interesting. I only visit these forums maybe once a day, so I didn't see the comment by someone who think themselves more important to me than me. LOL! My philosophy is and always shall be, "To Each His Own." Great song by Faith Hope and Charity.

Thanks to everyone else for your comments.

Circles - Thanks and I hope your SIL will find each one to be to the satisfaction of her grandchildren. Every purchase is a risk these days, but sometimes worth it - no matter the brand name. At least there is the testing time before the final verdict is in.

Peppery - Thanks. I will definitely visit the Help icon. I poked around everywhere but there. Good to note that the Reset feature isn't as bad as what I've read. As for youtube, it is my regular hangout - so filled with info and great videos. I won't miss flash player - yet. My next test will be downloading a couple of videos from youtube. Glad you are enjoying your tablet and I am with you on no regrets.

Hi Daffy Duck - I have wondered why there were no posted reviews in the forums about the LePan Mini since the Q sold something like 44,000+. Maybe that deleted post is why. I don't post often, but when someone needs assistance and I can help a bit or a lot, then I will post.

Glad the points I mentioned were helpful. With my Kindle, I spend my time listening to music while I commute to and from work, but wanted to have access to other features that a tablet offers as well. Reading, some games and the convenience of searching the web, just to name a few. There's one feature I forgot to mention. The music player appears on top of the password screen, so I don't have to sign in to access it when I want to skip or reverse to a song. YAY!

Again, glad I could help.

di-mc. I know what you mean when you say you can't live without your Kindle. I felt the same way, but I was curious about all the Google conversation going back and forth on some of these shows and now it may be my new best connection. Good luck with your search.

Becky56. Glad you too are enjoying your purchase with your grandkids. And of course I totally agree with you too - great tablet for the and price!

Enjoy your day everyone.


Frequent Contributor
Posts: 78
Registered: ‎09-10-2010
Felt I should post again. I bought this tablet for my husband who's tech illiterate. The set up was very easy and he LOVES it. I own a samsung note 10.1, a samsung galaxy and two kindles. The lePan's Start up is faster than any of the other tablets. We've both played on this thing every day and I honestly can't find ANYTHING I don't like or that isn't as good as the others. I ordered a case from amazon made especially for this tablet and it was 10.00 including shipping. It's a quality built tablet and I feel the price was a steal. I wish I had ordered another one for my mom but again I don't mind paying more on Amazon because it really does deliver.
Super Contributor
Posts: 486
Registered: ‎09-23-2013

I didn't get THIS LePan tablet, but I have the LePan 970 which I gave to my DBF, and even though I used to hate tablets, I picked up a LePan II tablet that ShopNBC had on close-out. I used to use a netbook in place of this LePan II tablet and now, after using this LePan for 2 months, now I realize why people love tablets!

Mine has Ice Cream Sandwich 4.0.4, probably not the most recent, but I have had no problems with downloading any of the Google apps. The touch screen is responsive, battery life great, build-quality superb. I'd buy another one if they weren't sold out.

And, my DBF uses the original LePan a lot...and it's still going strong after 3 years of use.

Occasional Contributor
Posts: 14
Registered: ‎06-30-2010

I just received my waitlist order for this yesterday (same day it was a TSV again) I am not tech savvy so I did not have enough time to 'play' with it to see if I wanted to order more for holiday gifts but hey maybe it will come back as another TSV next month! Smiley Happy

ANYWAY my post is because I would like to hear DETAILS on how others are using theirs. It seems a bit BIG BROTHER as Google would need to be used to get anything out of it and the demos just gloss over using it. Do you let it track you, etc. I am just feeling so old about it

So help me get with the program...thanks!

Esteemed Contributor
Posts: 5,449
Registered: ‎03-09-2010
I don't own this tablet, but a different one. I recommend watching some YouTube unboxing and review videos. When I brought my first Android tablet I read the service manual. You want to know whether this tablet will update before use, and need a full battery charge. How to setup the tab to your network? You can decide which apps you want to use. The only limit to using a tablet is the hardware. Enjoy your new device.
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Posts: 30,249
Registered: ‎03-12-2010

I only like Apple products. However, I think everyone should buy what they want and what works for them.

Some people think if it doesn't cost a lot of money, it isn't any good. Not true, I don't think.

If someone is happy with any product, I think it's good they write review for others who might not be able to afford an expensive tablet.

Good for the OP. Glad she took the time to write about it.