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battery is old???


my windows laptop battery old, I just removed it and relied on the power cord instead 

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Re: Laptop Issue

[ Edited ]

If all you you do on a laptop is surf, shop and use the internet mostly (no gaming) then I would seriously consider a Chromebook. They are Google-based os, not Windows, and some Chromebooks offer Android apps from the Google Play so in essence those are a true hybrid offering both traditional web browsing as well as android. Chromebooks, generally speaking, cost less than most Windows laptops which offer the same features and you never have to worry about viruses or malware on Chromebooks has built-in protection software. They are virtually maintenance free.


"Considering a Chromebook?

Check out this list of common questions to learn more about Chromebooks."


Older laptops get over-heated more easily because of the modern-day software demands which older components cannot handle and so the laptop shuts down. Best to get something new and that way your security will be up to date as well. Old computers are not safe. They do not have the guts in them to accept and run security software which many websites use to protect their sites as well as their customers'.



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@jackthebear wrote:

battery is old???


my windows laptop battery old, I just removed it and relied on the power cord instead 

The randomness of the shutting down kind of precludes that. She says some days she can use it all day and other times it'll shut down a couple of times in an hour. A bad battery tends to stay a bad battery and just keeps getting worse. It's not generally random. Now if there's some corrosion or debris on the terminals, or a flaky connection, it could also be battery related, but that's less likely. If it was a desktop you'd really want to look at the power supply, but this is a laptop instead. If she's using it plugged in it could be a power brick issue with a bad connection there somewhere also.


It sounds to me more like an overheating issue. If you're doing stuff that's not CPU dependent, the CPU isn't heating up and can go all day without a hiccup. Suddenly throw some CPU dependent stuff at it and the CPU starts to cook and shuts down the computer every time it comes under a heavy load. It could be something else also, but my gut says overheating is the most likely culprit. 


She could open up Task Manager and watch the CPU load to see if there's a correlation between the work the CPU is doing and the computer shutting down, or install software/apps like Core Temp to monitor the CPU temp, but without knowing more, my best guess would be it's overheating.

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Thank you for all the replies.  Laptop doesnt feel warm to the touch so not sure if overheating is the problem.   I will look at  you tube though, so thank you for that suggestion!!

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@FlowerBear wrote:

Thank you for all the replies.  Laptop doesnt feel warm to the touch so not sure if overheating is the problem.   I will look at  you tube though, so thank you for that suggestion!!

I had problems like you describe and it was the power supply/power cord. 

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Computers nowadays last 4 years ....I would go shopping for a new one. a Chromebook is a good choice as one of the members has posted.  

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Registered: ‎03-24-2018

Re: Laptop Issue

[ Edited ]

I ran the defrag on it and so far its been working and not shutting off. BUT will see if that lasts or not Smiley Happy



WELL it did last 2 days then back to the same issue lol!

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Re: Laptop Issue

[ Edited ]

You could download and install Core Temp 

It will tell you what temperature your processor cores are running at. It does sound like an overheating issue though. At 6 years you might be better off upgrading if possible. You could save the hard drive just in case as others have said. The only true way to completely destroy the data on it is to open it up and destroy the magnetic platters on the inside but this can be a process. If you do get a new one, look for one with a solid-state drive, they are much faster than the old HDD.

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Everything is available on You Tube, I guess that means we can just shut down the forum and not discuss anything.  I like the personal advice you can get on here.

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I can't tell you how to spend your money, but rather than spending money to repair a 6 year old laptop, I would rather put it towards a new one.