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Re: Is there any hope for this laptop?

Thank you so much gardenman! You rock!!!!

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Re: Is there any hope for this laptop?

On 7/15/2014 scotttie said:

OMG!!!! OMG!!!! OMG!!!!!!

It worked!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

YOU GUYS ARE MY HEROES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHOA WHOA WHOA!!!! I AM SCREAMING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


So, will we have to reinstall "Home and Office" ???


Drinks all around folks on me!!!

So, what do you think caused this and how long do you think it will keep on working?

You do rock, Scottie! You seeeeeeee how easy it is to fix your own computer, and also the sense of accomlishment you get from doing it. I bet you feel like a genius now. Enjoy! I know that since you said the screen was black and not blue that you just need to get to the restore point. Now you,learned how to do that,,whoooohooooo!
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Re: Is there any hope for this laptop?

On 7/15/2014 Lynnj said:
On 7/15/2014 scotttie said:

OMG!!!! OMG!!!! OMG!!!!!!

It worked!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

YOU GUYS ARE MY HEROES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHOA WHOA WHOA!!!! I AM SCREAMING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


So, will we have to reinstall "Home and Office" ???


Drinks all around folks on me!!!

So, what do you think caused this and how long do you think it will keep on working?

You do rock, Scottie! You seeeeeeee how easy it is to fix your own computer, and also the sense of accomlishment you get from doing it. I bet you feel like a genius now. Enjoy! I know that since you said the screen was black and not blue that you just need to get to the restore point. Now you,learned how to do that,,whoooohooooo!

Thanks lynn!! I've been going around all day saying "I'm a computer expert!!!" Hahahahahahahahaaaa! It does indeed feel gooooood!

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Re: Is there any hope for this laptop?

That's just awesome! I'm so very pleased that you were able to fix it.

The great thing is that you end up learning more. I seldom have gotten anywhere with the level one techs you get when you call trying to get help to fix a problem. But when I've been able to get help to learn more, I've fixed many things over the years. I'm definitely NOT an expert, not even close, but I've sure learned a lot and the very last thing I'll consider is calling. I will Google and ask around because it's less stressful and there's a much higher chance I'll find out how to fix it - if it is indeed fixable.

Anyhoo, congrats on fixing it and I hope it stays fixed for a long time to come. I had a totally dead laptop several years ago and since it was on Square Trade warranty I sent it to them, figuring I'd probably just get my money back. But they fixed it and and now, some 4+ years later, it still works like a champ. Its days are a little numbered because it's Vista, but I sure got my money's worth. Smiley Happy

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Re: Is there any hope for this laptop?

On 7/15/2014 chickenbutt said:

That's just awesome! I'm so very pleased that you were able to fix it.

The great thing is that you end up learning more. I seldom have gotten anywhere with the level one techs you get when you call trying to get help to fix a problem. But when I've been able to get help to learn more, I've fixed many things over the years. I'm definitely NOT an expert, not even close, but I've sure learned a lot and the very last thing I'll consider is calling. I will Google and ask around because it's less stressful and there's a much higher chance I'll find out how to fix it - if it is indeed fixable.

Anyhoo, congrats on fixing it and I hope it stays fixed for a long time to come. I had a totally dead laptop several years ago and since it was on Square Trade warranty I sent it to them, figuring I'd probably just get my money back. But they fixed it and and now, some 4+ years later, it still works like a champ. Its days are a little numbered because it's Vista, but I sure got my money's worth. Smiley Happy

That is a big absolute fact! First of all they want you to PAY to talk to you. Warranty is always up in my experience LOL! And your right you dont' really learn anything. Also on google a lot of times its so techy it doesn't help. You guys know how to speak my language!

Thanks for your help chickenbutt! I couldn't have done it without you guys and it was sure rewarding when that little doober booted up and the desktop showed up!

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Re: Is there any hope for this laptop?

Yeah, tech support is typically hopeless. They generally work off of scripts and if your problem isn't in their scripts (and it probably isn't) then they can't help you. Even if your problem is in their script and either you give a "wrong" answer or they input the wrong answer then they'll never get to the solution.

Fly!!! Eagles!!! Fly!!!
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Re: Is there any hope for this laptop?

I learn how to fix my computers because tech support became so poor. When I had my first Dell, their tech support was excellent and they helped with Windows problems. Once Dell's tech support stopped problem solving for Windows, I knew I needed to learn what to do. That was back in the day before Google or YouTube. You can now learn how to do almost anything by doing a search online. That includes just about everything around your house.

I did a Google search for fixing a mortise lock, found step by step instructions with photos, replaced the broken spring, oiled everything and it works. One thing I did and recommend everyone do when taking something apart, take pictures for each step. That way if you forget how to put it back together, you have the pictures. You can do the same thing with your computer. Not only are there step by step instructions, there are videos that show almost everything.

As always, this is another example of why it's critical you have regular backup of what you can't afford to lose. This computer problem turned out OK but many don't. A hard drive can fail without warning. If you don't have a backup, your stuff is lost.

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Re: Is there any hope for this laptop?

On 7/16/2014 glb613 said:

I learn how to fix my computers because tech support became so poor. When I had my first Dell, their tech support was excellent and they helped with Windows problems. Once Dell's tech support stopped problem solving for Windows, I knew I needed to learn what to do. That was back in the day before Google or YouTube. You can now learn how to do almost anything by doing a search online. That includes just about everything around your house.

I did a Google search for fixing a mortise lock, found step by step instructions with photos, replaced the broken spring, oiled everything and it works. One thing I did and recommend everyone do when taking something apart, take pictures for each step. That way if you forget how to put it back together, you have the pictures. You can do the same thing with your computer. Not only are there step by step instructions, there are videos that show almost everything.

As always, this is another example of why it's critical you have regular backup of what you can't afford to lose. This computer problem turned out OK but many don't. A hard drive can fail without warning. If you don't have a backup, your stuff is lost.

Yes, we tried the google search before you guys solved our problem. The only problem with google is sometimes you get TOO much info and too much is techy. BUT I will use them in the future if you guys can't bail me out (tee hee).

I know my son in law fixed their washing maching by googling. He had to take it apart and everything. But as you say, it's all there with videos and step by step.

First thing DD did when we got her laptop up and running was save everything she wanted to keep to a zip. I told her when school starts she should save everything as she goes along because this was a real eye opener! Can you imagine a term paper nearly done and it goes kapunk!

Thanks again glb.

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Re: Is there any hope for this laptop?

We're actually getting back to a point where things can be easily fixed. You can find self-repair kits for pretty much anything these days and with a bit of courage and some guidance pretty much anyone can fix anything. As 3-D printers become more widespread you're apt to be able to even print out replacement parts for things that get broken.

In this case it was an easy fix once the problem was detailed a bit more as nothing was truly broken just some bad data got in a bad place (likely the registry) and jumping ahead of that bad data getting loaded solved the problem.

Fly!!! Eagles!!! Fly!!!