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Posts: 1
Registered: ‎07-08-2010

I could really use some help, if you don't mind.

I have a few questions, and would be so happy if one of you knowledgeable people will help me.

Is there a way I can make a new file for all of the things that are on my desktop that I don't want to lose, but need to take off my desktop? I have way too many, but they're all important to me. Good recipe sites, etc.

The other thing I'm wondering about is why I can go to the same site with Mozilla Firefox but can't see pictures, but if I go there with Internet Explorer or Google Chrome, I can see the pictures?

I play games on Shockwave and have always used Mozilla since I bought the account. Now I can't navigate the site with Mozilla anymore. Should I just delete the Mozilla program? If I do, will I lose everything that has the Mozilla picture on my desktop?

I'm sorry to bother you and I feel really silly having to come here. I used to be able to ask my son these things, but he's very busy and gets annoyed when I ask him what he considers to be stupid questions. If I can get these answers on my own, I can show him that I'm not as dumb as he thinks.

I really, really appreciate any help you may offer. Thank you so much.