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Registered: ‎04-25-2010

I have Goggle Chrome. The other day the windows updated on their own while I was writing an email. Since then I have had trouble emailing and receiving emails. There is a new window called "incognito" I have no idea what this window is, but it was preventing me from emailing and receiving emails. I think I have disabled the incognito window as I am now able to receive and write emails. Has anyone any knowledge of what an incognito window is and why they would put it in my windows?

Then today, I received a skype message called urgent saying my computer was unprotected. It gave an email address I was to call to restore the protection. I did NOT contact that email address. About that time my antivirus package, Mcaffee ran a scan and it is now complete and everything looks good. What could that be all about? And why do windows update on their own without my permission? Anyone have any ideas? Thank you in advance.