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Had ordered the new Jitterbug 5.5 smart phone.... Was advertised before Christmas holiday at sale price...


They do not provide labels for returns...Had to make my own label.. Cost was over $11 to return with insurance which i felt was necessary... Also they do charge for restocking.... Nevr mentioned that to me when i ordered.


Did call and ordered it.... I am a Senior 78,my husband is 81... He does not know how to use a pc.....


Have a desk top hp with keyboard and mouse...


Stuck in a room with bad  lighting...


Just have a basic small flip cell phone...


With all the new techology am so confused with what to get right now..


Got cold feet and returned the Jitterbug the other day...


Now wondering if i did the right thng or not


Do to several health issues i just felt wrong timing....


So just to be curious.. Does anyone have the Jitterbug smart phone comments welcomed...


Oh to add what about the Celular smart phones that are advertised?


Just don't want to make any wrong decisions with what to get...


Am not Pc or tech savvey as they say...



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I don't know about the jitterbug phone, but here is what I think!

There is a market for large-screen, large text, simplified technology.

Younger generation --mostly teens -- enjoy playing with their pads/phones.

Most of the time, most of us do not.

For now, my best suggestion is to head to a provider (i.e.: Verizon -- ours isn't very busy when we go)


Tell the SA what you need to be able to comfortably do on a regular basis (email/text/internet search/ dial out/ catch missed calls)


Ask them to show you the largest screen hand-held tech that they offer.


Ask them to set it up using large font settings.


Ask them to "fix it up" for immediate use not requiring you to do anything right away.


Companies need to get right on this problem. There must be quite a market. REALLY


My DBIL, who is not all that elderly but shakes due to diabetic neuropathy has such a difficult time. He texts items needed to DH, but the information is jumbled due to the fact that the buttons are so small.


Good luck with your quest-- wish I knew of other solutions!❤

~Have a Kind Heart, Fierce Mind, Brave Spirit~
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@lovestodanceLike you, I am older than even the Baby Boomer generation - and while I have a tiny bity of tech savvy, I am just not comfortable with all the new stuff.


I agree with @LTT1.  You need to go into a storefront and shop (assuming you can), but before you buy anything else, you do need to decide how much you need your new phone to do beyond ordinary telephone use.


Do you want to take lots of pictures, listen to music, download all kinds of aps, text friends and family, do any banking, shop via those aps -  and on and on.


 The more you can tell the salesperson, the more pleased you're likely to be with your new phone. 

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@LTT1said:  My DBIL, who is not all that elderly but shakes due to diabetic neuropathy has such a difficult time. He texts items needed to DH, but the information is jumbled due to the fact that the buttons are so small.


My nephew has MS and often has difficulty texting but has learned to dictate his text messages.  So much easier for him to do and for recipients to read.


Perhaps if someone would take the time to show your DBIL how to use the voice feature it would be a good solution for all.

The eyes through which you see others may be the same as how they see you.
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Many thanks to all that replied.. Really appreicated all taking to time to give me some great pointers...



Just have to mention i did go to a Verizon store not far from my home....


That was about a year ago...  It was a smart phone...

Had  to return since it felt too complicated to use..


My husband took it back the next day.... The charged us a restock fee...


Will not buy any phones etc in the future that does that..



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@lovestodance wrote:

Many thanks to all that replied.. Really appreicated all taking to time to give me some great pointers...



Just have to mention i did go to a Verizon store not far from my home....


That was about a year ago...  It was a smart phone...

Had  to return since it felt too complicated to use..


My husband took it back the next day.... The charged us a restock fee...


Will not buy any phones etc in the future that does that..



You better stick with QVC or HSN if you don't want a restocking fee.  I don't know of any other retailer who doesn't. 


I really don't understand why people think they have to use every feature of a smart phone.  Just because the features are there, doesn't mean you MUST use them. There isn't anything complicated when using a smart phone to make or receive a call. 


Personally, I wouldn't buy a smart phone if all I was going to do is text and talk.  You can get phones with pull down keyboards for texting when you need it.  If all you are going to do is make phone calls, get a flip phone.  They are much, much cheaper than a iPhone or Galaxy. 

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Did not like dealing with GreatCall.  Ordered an emergency button for my mother but she didn't like the looks of it.  I had a very difficult time getting them to take it back.  Forceful sales pitch, lots of pressure to keep it for her safety.  I finally gave up and got them to cancel the service, but threw the gadget in a drawer rather than try to return it.  She now has a flip phone with my number programmed on the emergency button and I call her every day to check on her.  That's our solution.


I also think its better to go into a phone store and get personal service.  We have a friend who is legally blind and he uses Siri to send texts and make calls.  Good luck!

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DH bought an iPad -- I wanted this for him so he can see texts from DGCs and use the keyboard.

He is learning to slowly trust it!

~Have a Kind Heart, Fierce Mind, Brave Spirit~
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[ Edited ]

I have a feeling the Jitterbug was a good phone for you.   Isn't it marketed for seniors?   You probably do not need a "smart phone".   These are phones that have advanced features for people who "live"  on their phones.   Yes,  they are complicated for the reason they have many functions,  most of which most seniors will never use.   You need a simple phone with big buttons your husband can easily manipulate.   It sounds like Consumer Cellular would be the perfect company for you.   Target is a dealer,  I believe.   I'd go talk to someone there. 


@lovestodance  You'd probably do well with a phone like this.   I'm a senior too and have had many cell phones.   I know this is all I need. 



New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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My dad had a regular Jitterbug phone for 5 years and it was great for him. They were easy to work with and when he passed away In July and I called them to make sure I got the final bill and his account closed, they couldn't have been nicer. 


Again though, it was a regular flip phone. He had no interest in a smart phone. 

Why is it, when I have a 50/50 guess at something, I'm always 100% wrong?