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Foreign writing at top of the screen

No, I am not referring to the deliberate placement of Spanish language ads.

At the top of my screen, I am getting what looks like Chinese characters.

It can come at any time during a particular session on the computer. It creeps me out.

I don't know what it means or why it is there. I can get rid of it, sometimes temporarily, by clicking off my browser and coming back to it. It may appear again.

I don't know why it is there. Does anyone know?


Hyacinth {#emotions_dlg.confused1}

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Re: Foreign writing at top of the screen

I'd run a full virus scan to begin with. I'd also go into your settings and make sure you only have English checked (if that's what you want) as your only on screen language choice. And doing a re-start might help as well.

I'm sure a computer savvy poster might know lots more than me. You will probably get many replies.

Good luck!

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Re: Foreign writing at top of the screen

I saw this same thing this morning when I opened these forums. It was the first topic on the community page. I didn't open it for fear it was virus related. I also thought it might be a joke.

If there is a problem sounds like more than one of us is affected.

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Registered: ‎03-12-2010

Re: Foreign writing at top of the screen

I just had it happen again.

It appears in the part of the screen where the "X" , maximize, and minimize, is. It's not usually anywhere else.

If I "X" off the session, it goes away. Of course, I have to sign in anything again.

It is annoying, and I wish I knew what it meant to have it happen.

Hyacinth {#emotions_dlg.ohmy}

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Foreign writing at top of the screen

Which browser are you using? Does this only happen on the QVC website? After I installed McAffee internet security I had those chinese characters when using FireFox browser. I Googled and found the problem had something to do with McAffee Site Advisor, so I disabled the feature that was causing the problem.

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Registered: ‎03-12-2010

Re: Foreign writing at top of the screen

On 4/9/2015 SarahW said:

Which browser are you using? Does this only happen on the QVC website? After I installed McAffee internet security I had those chinese characters when using FireFox browser. I Googled and found the problem had something to do with McAffee Site Advisor, so I disabled the feature that was causing the problem.

No, it doesn't only happen on QVC website. Can't pick out any particular one.

I use Firefox. My daughter recently installed McAffee, but I can't remember if it happened before that too!

Thanks for the suggestion. I will pass it on to her, since she updates my computer! She calls me a Luddite..........


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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Foreign writing at top of the screen

Tell your daughter to Google ""chinese characters on Firefox"" and she will find the discussion/ solution for you. Good luck.

Occasional Contributor
Posts: 8
Registered: ‎08-25-2013

Re: Foreign writing at top of the screen

Hyacinth - it's not that I'm happy it's happening to you just that, finally, I am not alone! It only seems to happen, to me, when I'm on Facebook and I click on a picture or something like that. I also have to log off and get off the internet and then start again. And, yes, it scares me too. I have Macafee and I use Firefox. It doesn't seem to happen on Internet Explorer. Maybe between the two of us and all of the help on this forum we can find the answers.


Occasional Contributor
Posts: 8
Registered: ‎08-25-2013

Re: Foreign writing at top of the screen

I just googled this and someone wrote to make sure only one tab is open, then go to the top left and click on View. Go to character encoding and click on Western. I just did it and so far so good.
