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Buying my first smartphone... Iphone vs. Samsung Galaxy S4? Users of either weigh in?..

Last week I asked about Nokia Lumia, but have changed to Samsung G.S4, my original choice, if I didn't get iPhone. I've read great reviews on Samsung...sales guy I happened to talk to at Verizon had one too, and I like Samsung products, (my last (old school) cell phone was Samsung and I loved it.) I do have an iPad, so I am familiar with Apple's OS..but have heard more complaints about iPhone since the new OS came out...and people like the bigger screen of GS4. Will it matter about compatibility with my music, Itunes etc to have everything be Apple? My computer/laptop is not Apple, but PC/Windows. Anyway...input appreciated...all the threads I saw here on the topic were outdated in terms of latest versions of IPhone and nothing on the Samsung. Tks in advance!
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Re: Buying my first smartphone... Iphone vs. Samsung Galaxy S4? Users of either weigh in?..

Also what's the dif between Galaxy Note vs is just the latest version of similar phone? Which is latest/best? Reviews seem good on both. Basically I'm a smartphone newbie so it will all be a learning curve, but also the "fine-tuned" details probably will go unnoticed for now..
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Re: Buying my first smartphone... Iphone vs. Samsung Galaxy S4? Users of either weigh in?..

If you want your phone to sync with everything you do on your iPad, then I suggest the iPhone. I have both, and have no problems with either on the updated OS. most complaining about it are people who don't understand or like change. If you don't care about being able to sync seamlessly between iPad and your phone, then get the samsung if you like it. Both are great products, it's just a matter of how you want your phone to work for you.
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Re: Buying my first smartphone... Iphone vs. Samsung Galaxy S4? Users of either weigh in?..

Amy, just wondering why you want the S4 when the S5 comes out Friday?

I am trading my iPhone 4S in for the Galaxy S5. Just ready for a change. I like iPhone well enough, but I am sick of the small screen and can't wait until October for iPhone 6.

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Re: Buying my first smartphone... Iphone vs. Samsung Galaxy S4? Users of either weigh in?..

On 4/6/2014 amyb said: Also what's the dif between Galaxy Note vs is just the latest version of similar phone? Which is latest/best? Reviews seem good on both. Basically I'm a smartphone newbie so it will all be a learning curve, but also the "fine-tuned" details probably will go unnoticed for now..

Note is different from Galaxy. The note is more of a "phablet"- phone/tablet, due to size. The Galaxy isn't as large as the Note. It's not a matter of one being the latest version, they are two separate lines under the Samsung brand. The newest Note, the Note 3, came out in the fall. The newest Galaxy, the S5, comes out Friday.

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Re: Buying my first smartphone... Iphone vs. Samsung Galaxy S4? Users of either weigh in?..

I have the S4 and would get the S5 if I was ready for a new phone. If you love using the little emojis stick with your Iphone, droid doesn't have them.


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Re: Buying my first smartphone... Iphone vs. Samsung Galaxy S4? Users of either weigh in?..

A little over a month ago my husband and I got our 1st smartphones. After much research, we went with the Galaxy S4, even though we also have an iPad and would not be able to sync the 2. Didn't see that as a big deal and after using over a month, I have not at any time "wished" that I had the ability to sync with my iPad. Since this was our 1st venture into the smartphone world, we wanted something that had high marks when tested and received overall good comments from those using and the S4 fit those criteria. I feel the S4 is very user friendly- even for my husband who is not much of a techie at all. He has been able to use and for the most part has not become frustrated when trying to figure something out. And for what it's worth, I work with someone that is has an iPhone and said she only went with it because of the syncing with her iPad --- she would have really rather had the Samsung!

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Re: Buying my first smartphone... Iphone vs. Samsung Galaxy S4? Users of either weigh in?..

I would get the iphone is $99 right now and I would never go back to droids after having my iphone for a year.

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Re: Buying my first smartphone... Iphone vs. Samsung Galaxy S4? Users of either weigh in?..

I have a Samsung S4,and a iPad. I only sync my primary email account with my Smartphone. My iTunes library is getting near 10K tracks. You do not sync a library that large. You stream the music using an app or a collection of apps from a computer. The Android OS has some interesting apps. I am typing on a tablet using one called SwiftKey. It is a replacement for the Google keyboard that comes standard with smartphones, and tablets.
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Re: Buying my first smartphone... Iphone vs. Samsung Galaxy S4? Users of either weigh in?..

On 4/6/2014 PalmTree11 said:
On 4/6/2014 amyb said: Also what's the dif between Galaxy Note vs is just the latest version of similar phone? Which is latest/best? Reviews seem good on both. Basically I'm a smartphone newbie so it will all be a learning curve, but also the "fine-tuned" details probably will go unnoticed for now..

Note is different from Galaxy. The note is more of a "phablet"- phone/tablet, due to size. The Galaxy isn't as large as the Note. It's not a matter of one being the latest version, they are two separate lines under the Samsung brand. The newest Note, the Note 3, came out in the fall. The newest Galaxy, the S5, comes out Friday.

There are a few more differences between the devices. The note has 32GB of storage and 3GB of RAM. The biggest selling feature is the S-Pen.