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My McAfee subscription is about to expire and I'm looking for a good free anti-virus program.

Suggestions please. Thank you.

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Free? When you find out let us all know!

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I just use AVG free and have never had any problems.

Some people do drugs. I do shoes....Celine Dion
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If you have Windows 8.x, you already have Windows Defender installed. Use that and uninstall the McAfee.

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I also use AVG free
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My computer tech put AVAST on mine. He stated the free version was all I needed. I have not had any issues, and the AVAST has blocked many viruses, since I do a lot of online surfing and shopping. I had a lot of issues in the past prior to getting the AVAST on my computers.

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Those mentioned above are good for some virus protection not for all virus protection you would still need to get a Norton or MacAfee for full protection. This told to me by a technician.

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I stopped getting the Norton, as I ended up with viruses that Norton could not help me with, so what was the point in paying for it? The Norton never blocked the amount of sites that the AVAST blocks.

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Posts: 530
Registered: ‎05-14-2010

I stopped getting the Norton, as I ended up with viruses that Norton could not help me with, so what was the point in paying for it? The Norton never blocked the amount of sites that the AVAST blocks.

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Registered: ‎02-06-2014

avg is good one..