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Posts: 456
Registered: ‎04-23-2010

waiting for processing..waiting again

I am tired of having to watch my order sit and sit for days in processing .. If you dont have it fine .. let me know. but its rude to just let our orders sit for days..tired of it 

Super Contributor
Posts: 306
Registered: ‎04-30-2010

Re: waiting for processing..waiting again

Truthifully I have given up.  Promises of shipping improvements in my expereince have yet to transpire.  I now will order something from QVC if I REALLY want it, can't get it elsewhere, and I am NOT in a hurry!  Frustrating I know!

Posts: 69
Registered: ‎10-12-2019

Re: waiting for processing..waiting again

Unfortunately, you aren't alone.  My order has been "In Process" since Sunday.  Not even a lable printed yet.  QVC used to be so prompt.  Maybe there are cutbacks across the board.