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Re: broken heart of a miracle child

That's what I thought .. just throw some lights on it ....

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Re: broken heart of a miracle child

Just facebook Shawn, she saves Christmas!!  LOL

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Re: broken heart of a miracle child

@Wayne-QVC wrote:

@Miracle Son  

I'm so sorry to hear you had that experience. Please e-mail us your account information to and we will be happy to help.  Wayne



You go Wayne! That's why we love our Social Team!Heart


If anyone at QVC can help it's the 'A Team'!

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Re: broken heart of a miracle child

@Miracle Son wrote:

Purchased a Santa’s Best tree last October (2020) because we wanted to have something special for Jackson’s first xmas . he is our miracle baby being born at 4 pounds and me thinking I am way to old to ever be blessed with a new child .. the lights on this tree was so beautiful we were so excited .. he wasn’t born yet (he was born 01/12/21) but we bought it $799 and paid it off over 12 months .. we set it up this year and it was beautiful for one week .. when we came home from Thanksgiving at Melissa mom house the middle of the tree was not lit .. we tried everything but nothing .. I contacted the company Santa’s Best because according to QVC it had a 2 year warranty on the lights .. 62 calls (yes 62) later the company REFUSES to call me back .. I have Emailed them many times .. called and I get a message that agents are busy then bam it goes to leave a message .. it’s been over a month and ZERO context .. I called QVC and they rightly can’t help it’s been to long .. our hearts are sadly not into Christmas anymore after all this .. we set the tree up early so that Jackson’s first christmas would be amazing .. sadly Melissa heartbroken took the tree down and it sits on the porch .. Santa’s best ISNT a company anymore .. they dissolved Santa’s best I think cuz they say a different name when I call .. Publeeo or something .. they have refused to honor ther warranty and I suspect created a new company .. maybe i’m wrong but what i am not wrong about is they have ruined what should have been a miracles first Christmas .. it’s sad how they are allowed to do this .. feel free to call them on our behalf

I understand where you are coming from.  When my daughter was born, she weighed only 1.7 pounds.  Three months in the hospital.  We also bought a Santa's Best tree, I think ours was $600 to $700.  Worked for only the first year.  What a piece of junk.  My daughter is now 16.  Planning her college track and the next phase of her life.  It really does go by in a blink of an eye.  But she's happy and healthy and has a heart of gold.  Celebrate that, the everyday moments.  I know that you want to make every holiday extra special , but don't let the tree make or break it.  Whether you have the Rockerfeller Christmas tree or a Charlie Brown Christmas tree, it doesn't matter.  Celebrate the gift of life....that baby.

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Re: broken heart of a miracle child

Good luck to the OP with the tree, but really, no need to lay it on quite so thick...

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Re: broken heart of a miracle child


Sorry you're disappointed with your purchase, @Miracle Son, but to say that "our hearts are sadly not into Christmas anymore after all this" strikes me as (more than a bit) ungrateful, given Jackson's miraculous presence in your lives. Be thankful and enjoy a blessed Christmas with those you love.  Many people are not nearly so fortunate.


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Re: broken heart of a miracle child

@Miracle Son 


I understand your disappointment, but glad to see that @Wayne-QVC has responded with an offer to help. Hopefully he can offer some type of refund.


For this year though, consider picking up a small (even tabletop) tree locally for this year.


A baby that age is just fascinated with the lights and decorations, regardless of the size of the tree!


I know that doesn't lessen the sting of paying that much and it only lasted 1 year, but at least your miracle son (and hopefully Mom) can still enjoy the holiday season this year!


If it were me, I would do what many posters here suggested, I'd buy some battery operated lights (inexpensive) to place where some stopped working.


Keep in mind too, that Christmas trees/decor go on sale with deep reductions in price after the season is over, for use next year.


I miss the days when manufacturers actually honored the warranty they promise (which helps them sell more!), instead of just ghosting the customer.


Hope you get acceptable help from QVC and please give your miracle son big hugs and smooches from me and licks and tail wags from Kingston!

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Re: broken heart of a miracle child

This is easily solved by a trip to CVS where you will find an assortment of tree lights. This is a great time to rethink what is important in life...and it sure isn't a strand of lights going out on a Christmas tree.😳

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Re: broken heart of a miracle child

@vsm wrote:


Sorry you're disappointed with your purchase, @Miracle Son, but to say that "our hearts are sadly not into Christmas anymore after all this" strikes me as (more than a bit) ungrateful, given Jackson's miraculous presence in your lives. Be thankful and enjoy a blessed Christmas with those you love.  Many people are not nearly so fortunate.


I lost three very much wanted children before our next child was safely born.


As I remember them every year during the Christmas season the cost or brand of anything doesn't ever occur to me.


Sometimes I read stories that make me feel those losses even more keenly.


Please, OP, be grateful for the living child in your life, and forget everything else but him.

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Re: broken heart of a miracle child

@violann I'm so sorry for all of your losses, that is truly so sad. Also, I wish I could give your post 100 Hearts. I hope the OP reads it and takes it to heart but I tend to be skeptical. But I'm so glad you posted what you did.