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@Puzzle Piece.  The point is, you need to be sure before you pull the trigger.  Many people can't eat or don't want candy around. 


It was kind of you to think of your neighbor.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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@Kachina624 That was only one example.  In the past I've received items that I didn't order and others were probably waiting for them.  I didn't have to return them but I di as one order must have been stockinmg stuffer gifts.  Five watches from Issac Mizrahi.  One top that should have gone to Hawaii and another food product, etc.  

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@Puzzle Piece.  Big warehouse operations shipping millions of items are bound to make some mistakes.  I've gotten a few too, maybe a half dozen in over 30 years of shopping.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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@Kachina624 wrote:

@Puzzle Piece.  The error was yours.  It's almost impossible to cancel online orders anywhere.  Some places give 15 or 20 minutes, Some none at all.


QVCs food orders are shipped by vendors and vendor shipped orders can almost never be canceled.


If you call CS,  they may refund your money or maybe not.

@Kachina624 Amazon will cancel about anything I've ever tried if it hasn't shipped yet or is days out.  If you ever in this world MIGHT want to cancel, do NOT order from QVC.  They basically quit allowing cancellations at least a decade ago.

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I have ordered a few items at the sale price for every 90 days. I looked online to make sure I cancelled all those because I have enough food. All of a sudden, I had 18 salmon pieces delivered. I kept them, but called CS to ask them to please make sure I got no more automatic deliveries.

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@Love my grandkids wrote:

@Tinkrbl44 Your first sentence is snotty as all get out. And not helpful.


@Love my grandkids 



Snotty?  Seriously? 


I am shocked by the lack of common sense here.  If you aren't sure you can actually use something, DON'T ORDER IT.


Sorry if that offended you.   



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Re: What is Going on Here?

[ Edited ]

@Tinkrbl44  Your response was arrogant.  Ohters here have had similar experiences - like I mentioned to Kachina.  You posted your insult - you own it.

Never Forget the Native American Indian Holocaust
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@Sooner wrote:

@Kachina624 wrote:

@Puzzle Piece.  The error was yours.  It's almost impossible to cancel online orders anywhere.  Some places give 15 or 20 minutes, Some none at all.


QVCs food orders are shipped by vendors and vendor shipped orders can almost never be canceled.


If you call CS,  they may refund your money or maybe not.

@Kachina624 Amazon will cancel about anything I've ever tried if it hasn't shipped yet or is days out.  If you ever in this world MIGHT want to cancel, do NOT order from QVC.  They basically quit allowing cancellations at least a decade ago.


@Sooner  @Puzzle Piece 


QVC not allowing cancellations is old news ... very old news, and at this point, people shouldn't need to be told that.


People need to use common sense when ordering online ... from any retailer ... and keep in mind their return and cancellation policies.    





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Re: What is Going on Here?

[ Edited ]
@ Puzzle Piece  wrote:

@Tinkrbl44 @Kachina624 The order was placed and then cancelled because I was told it wouldn't be used by my neighbor.  

Not my fault nor my error.  


@ Puzzle Piece 


Of course it was your error.  If you were going to buy something for someone (which was a very nice gesture) why didn't you check first that it was an appropriate gift for this person?


Both alcohol and candy gifts can be "iffy" selections.  Not everyone consumes these items. 


JMO, of course.