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Re: Same merchandise on over and over

@Othereeeen wrote:

@why again 


 Othereeeen, great post. Spot on!


And let's not forget outdated electronics, cheap-polyester clothes (no matter what cute name it's given), spandex and more spandex, same old same old clothing styles, overpriced mattresses and furniture, and a whole host of things that can be found elsewhere for less money.

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Re: Same merchandise on over and over

@Othereeeen When you go off on these enthusiastic posts, you are absolutely hilarious!

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Re: Same merchandise on over and over

It doesn't bother me because I do not keep Q on as background noise.  I am not interested in holiday shows so I find other things to watch when it's TV time for me.



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Re: Same merchandise on over and over

        I was just thinking the same thought the other day...feels like that movie Groundhog Day!  I don't watch the Q 24/7 but, it seems like every time I turn the channel on, the same items are being presented.

       Just how many illuminating, holiday traditions, glitter

Xmas trees did they buy from Valerie?

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Re: Same merchandise on over and over


🤣🤣🤣🤣 it's the "whispery, peculiar child like voice" for me lol! I've always thought she whisper-talked but I've never heard it described so perfectly. 

you made me have a belly laugh 🤣😂🤣😂🤣

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Re: Same merchandise on over and over

I leave QVC on the TV for the dogs when I go out so they quiet lolol, I come home and they're fast asleep.
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Re: Same merchandise on over and over

Shoe channel.