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Question about Font Size on Forum Page

Hi - All of a sudden the font size I see on the forum pages is huge! The other pages on QVC are fine. I tried opening a new window and rebooting the computer, but nothing is helping.


It has nothing to do with my replying to a post. I can still choose the font size I usually use there. It's just any page on the blogs and forums section. Interesting enough, the "community menu" listing at the left is fine - it's just the other. 


I also tried going to "my settings" and "my preferences" - didn't help. I'd like to get rid of this very large font I see. Can you help? TIA! 

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Registered: ‎05-22-2012

Re: Question about Font Size on Forum Page

It sounds like you have adjusted the zoom in your internet browser. Some browsers, like Chrome, remember and hold a zoom level for one site and it does not affect others. Zoom levels are easy to adjust by mistake, so you may not remember doing it.


Not knowing which browser you are using makes it hard for me to tell you how to check and reset. If you have a mouse with a scroll wheel and are using a Windows computer, you can press and hold the Ctrl key down and then roll the wheel forward to zoom in (increase) and backward (toward yourself) to zoom out (decrease). 


If you don't have a mouse wheel, you can come back with the type of browser you are using OR you can search Google for something like reset zoom level in (insert browser name here).

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Posts: 30,249
Registered: ‎03-12-2010

Re: Question about Font Size on Forum Page

When it comes to many things @ChynnaBlue knows the answers.  She helps me out a lot.

I figured out I was doing the same thing.  Mine does it all by itself and I figured out I'd hit a button.  I go up to the zoom and adjust it.

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Re: Question about Font Size on Forum Page

@ChynnaBlue wrote:

It sounds like you have adjusted the zoom in your internet browser. Some browsers, like Chrome, remember and hold a zoom level for one site and it does not affect others. Zoom levels are easy to adjust by mistake, so you may not remember doing it.


Not knowing which browser you are using makes it hard for me to tell you how to check and reset. If you have a mouse with a scroll wheel and are using a Windows computer, you can press and hold the Ctrl key down and then roll the wheel forward to zoom in (increase) and backward (toward yourself) to zoom out (decrease). 


If you don't have a mouse wheel, you can come back with the type of browser you are using OR you can search Google for something like reset zoom level in (insert browser name here).

@ChynnaBlue  Thank you for all the help you give us here.  Very much appreciated.

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Posts: 15,415
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Question about Font Size on Forum Page

@ChynnaBlue - thank you so much! Your helpful advice took care of everything. My font is back to normal! Smiley Happy

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Posts: 11,153
Registered: ‎05-22-2012

Re: Question about Font Size on Forum Page

Glad it worked, @beach-mom! I know how frustrating that can be.

Thank you all for the kind words. Years ago I used to frequently turn on Filter Keys by accident, which, if you don't know what you're doing (and I didn't!) basically disables your keyboard. I've also accidentally rotated my screen so that every window appeared sideways or upside down. There's seemingly no end to the things we can do completely by mistake that will wreak havoc on our computers and cause frustration. I learned a lot of what I know through my own mistakes and I'm happy to have an opportunity to use my past painful experiences to help others.

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Registered: ‎01-08-2011

Re: Question about Font Size on Forum Page

[ Edited ]

I'm on a desk top with Windows 10 and my font size has never stayed what I put it after I hit send.  It seems auto correct has me.


Didn't happen on the old forums.