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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

QVC strikes again.

[ Edited ]

Ordered a pair of Aerosoles on EZ Pay.  The invoice included in the package shows the full amount of the purchase.  No reference anywhere that EZ pay was applied.  I checked the order on line.  IT says that it was ordered using EZ pay but no reference to the amounts of Easy Pays being charged.  CAlled CS and was told that the Amounts of Each EZ pay and the number of EZ pays WILL NO LONGER BE SHOWN ON THE INVOICE RECEIVED WITH THE ITEM OR ON LINE WHEN YOU CHECK YOUR ORDER HISTORY.  So, you better start keeping a spread sheet with the amounts of your EZ pay orders shown caused QVC is not going to tell you.

Do you believe this????

Honored Contributor
Posts: 17,171
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

I think some one gave you mis information, I just checked my order status andi is appears as it always has

Easy pay shows for every item


Screen Shot 2017-09-09 at 4.11.35 PM.png

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QVC Customer Care
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The representative you spoke to was only half right. When you receive your item, the invoice will no longer state that it is on easy pay as it did previously. However, the easy pays will still show when you check out your account online. I apologize for the misinformation....

Beth QVC

Esteemed Contributor
Posts: 5,660
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

The invoice included with your item used to show the dollar amount of the EZ pays.  IT no longer has that information.  SO unless you want to start printing a copy of your on line order page when you place it and keeping it or create a spread sheet of your EZ Pay orders and dollar amounts of payments for your own information that data will not be provided to you by QVC after the order is submitted and there is no way to easily locate it if you have a need to thus making it even easier for QVC to incorrectly refund you if you return a order on EZ Pay

Esteemed Contributor
Posts: 7,116
Registered: ‎10-21-2010

@KathyPet wrote:

The invoice included with your item used to show the dollar amount of the EZ pays.  IT no longer has that information.  SO unless you want to start printing a copy of your on line order page when you place it and keeping it or create a spread sheet of your EZ Pay orders and dollar amounts of payments for your own information that data will not be provided to you by QVC after the order is submitted and there is no way to easily locate it if you have a need to thus making it even easier for QVC to incorrectly refund you if you return a order on EZ Pay

No need to do this. When you sign into your account and click easy pay orders you can see them by the month. It will tell you the dates and amount each easy pay will be charged. It even gives you the total of easy pays for the month. Qvc already does the spreadsheet for you.