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Registered: ‎11-29-2016

QVC Live Chat is GREATLY lacking!!!

It's been a few years since I last did business with QVC, and I've unfortunately found out in short order how badly QVC has gone downhill.  Especially with their Customer Service.  This past Sunday (11-27-2016),  I placed an order for a FANTASTIC HP laptop computer,  and due to my being a disabled military veteran,  it occurred to me that two payments might be charged to my payment card account for the first 6-pay payment month of Dec. 2016,  which I can't afford due to my fixed disability income.  SO,  I tried out the QVC Live Chat last night since I needed an answer about an important 6-pay payment concern question that I had,  and to say the least,  the experience left me beyond upset.  So upset that I cancelled the order for the computer, and to the point that I may also cancel my entire QVC customer account all together.  First of all,  when I first clicked on Live Chat,  it took me to a chat screen that saidthe chat would begin MOMENTARILY.  Well, their idea of "temporarily" was a bit over a half hour that I had to wait, and then the chat rep Stacie,  cut the chat off shortly after she answered my first question with an answer that didn't totally answer my concern entirely while I was trying to type an additional question to her,  and her cutting me off after having to wait so long to chat with a rep,  was very RUDE of her, and a matter of insult to injury.  The rep Stacie could have easily waited a few more seconds for me to type out my reply question and to answer it, rather than to totally and very rudely cut off the chat session as she did.  Bad customer service cost QVC not only a high dollar sale, but also quite possibly a good customer indefinitely - I'm that put out about this.  I felt like the QVC live chat rep Stacie had given me the finger by cutting me off from the chat as soon and abruptly as she did - NOT a good way of keeping good customers.  

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Registered: ‎03-14-2015

Re: QVC Live Chat is GREATLY lacking!!!

Pick up the telephone, dial the number, and speak to a CS person, to get your questions answered.



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Re: QVC Live Chat is GREATLY lacking!!!

I love live chat. Never had a problem with reps any time I choose to do a live chat.  In fact, better quicker service with much satisfaction every time I chat live.


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Re: QVC Live Chat is GREATLY lacking!!!

 It's always best to call a company when you have an important question.  You can see your easy pay schedule on your account.  It will be adjusted once the item ships.  Sorry your questions weren't answered.

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Re: QVC Live Chat is GREATLY lacking!!!

I enjoy using Live Chat.  Haven't used Q's, but I like it on other sites.  Most of the time the reps are friendly and helpful and - best part - you can print or save a copy of the transcript.  Also, after the conversation, most sites ask for feedback on your experience.  I'm sorry your Q Chat went badly.  Maybe Stacie was having a bad day.  At least Q also has the phone option for customer service.  I'd have tried that next.

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Registered: ‎08-18-2016

Re: QVC Live Chat is GREATLY lacking!!!

@Mjulnir, you don't like waiting for the live chat to start? You can also send QVC an email. No speedy typing required. QVC offers about a half dozen different ways to address your simple billing inquiry.

It's too bad you became impatient and lost out on a really good deal.


And while you were waiting for your turn to chat with rude Stacie, rude Stacie was probably looking up information and typing out helpful replys and monitoring 6 to 10 possibly impatiently rude customers on the live chat line all at the same time, with more callers lining up behind you, looking at that "chat will start momentarily" notice. 

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Re: QVC Live Chat is GREATLY lacking!!!

Live chat is not able to help with any money issues, there is a limit to what they can do

Stop being afraid of what could go wrong and start being positive what could go right.
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Re: QVC Live Chat is GREATLY lacking!!!

I just tried to contact CS using their email form.     After i put all that info in and typed out my question/request and hit 'enter' I got some 'sorry, is not available.


Did it again and got the same error.  Nice.

QVC Customer Care
Posts: 724
Registered: ‎06-14-2015

Re: QVC Live Chat is GREATLY lacking!!!

@chickenbutt I'm so sorry for the inconvenience. Please send me an email to if you need my help. I will also forward your feedback.

Esteemed Contributor
Posts: 6,788
Registered: ‎08-18-2016

Re: QVC Live Chat is GREATLY lacking!!!

@chickenbutt, After reading your post I went to Email Us and sent QVC a programming suggestion to see if it was up and running now, which it is.

Regardless of whether you're viewing this forum on full or mobile, you'll see these words near the bottom of the screen:

Contact Us. Your Way. Anytime.


Contact Us. Your Way. Anytime.