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Posts: 283
Registered: ‎04-01-2011

I ordered a pair of Joan Rivers pants regular large and sent them back for exchange in petite medium.  I copied the shipping label with tracking number including my note on the returned order form and sent them back.  I did a follow up today and one representative said I needed to order a petite because it was a different item number and she does not show them returned and I am out my money and then another representative said there is no tracking record but I have a copy of the label used and she did not want the tracking number.  

 In any event, I now believe I am out $53 and shipping for a pair of pants I paid for and returned and I  cannot get an exchange because they cannot find my pants even though I used a Q label.  This is my first experience with an exchange and it is an expensive one.  

In all my years of shopping at the Q i never had a lost return or order.  Now I will not have my Joan Rivers grey outfit.  I ordered a top to match the pants on the same order. I am very sad about this experience because it appears my problem cannot be resolved so I am out.

QVC Customer Care
Posts: 2,928
Registered: ‎06-14-2015


Would you mind please sending me an email with the order number in question? The email address is and I will investigate this.

Beth QVC

Trusted Contributor
Posts: 1,038
Registered: ‎12-20-2015

If you use the QVC pre paid label you are protected. It gets scanned when you take it into the post office. Once it is scanned it is out of your hands. I have had something lost once it was scanned. CS could tell it was scanned and sent me a replacement.

Super Contributor
Posts: 283
Registered: ‎04-01-2011

Thank you.  I emailed you a few minutes ago.

Trusted Contributor
Posts: 1,792
Registered: ‎01-22-2013

I always take the extra time to take my returns into my post office and get a receipt.   They give me a receipt regardless of whether I use the prepaid label.  I usually find it is cheaper for me to pay the return postage.

Super Contributor
Posts: 283
Registered: ‎04-01-2011

Through emails and a telephone conversation with Beth-Qvc from customer service, my problem has been resolved to my satisfaction and all within a half hour of my post.  I am impressed with the excellent service. Thank you Q!

Respected Contributor
Posts: 4,417
Registered: ‎02-09-2016

I always get a varified receipt proving I dropped off package to the post office. It is free and a lot of protection. Anyone even postal workers could just walk off with your parcel. I have a trust issue and I am glad I do.