Posts: 43
Registered: ‎12-15-2013

Once again, I received a box with only Label 1 - Labels 2 and 3 (invoice and return label) are missing!!  Please pass on that this is really a huge negative from the customer's viewpoint!  I do not want someone to be able to peel off my invoice and see my name, address and what I ordered (and what is in the box or package to see if they want to steal it!) .  I understand that QVC is becoming "cheap" when it comes to customer service, etc., but this new mailing label situation should be tossed!  I would rather that no invoice be Amazon does.... but use a regular mailing label as in the past.  A return label could be enclosed or customer would have to print one (which leaves out customers who have no computer or printer).  Please pass on this comment to the powers that be!!!  Customers should be listened to and respected!

Super Contributor
Posts: 279
Registered: ‎04-28-2014

customer service joke.jpg

Occasional Contributor
Posts: 19
Registered: ‎08-29-2014

What a sarcastic remark.

 I guess you have no problem with your personal information being out there for everyone to see. Nobody is asking for all you suggested, we just want a secure way of receiving our invoices, as a customer ordering merchandise from QVC this is not too much to ask.

QVC Customer Care
Posts: 1,973
Registered: ‎06-14-2015

Hi @xvi045 I am so sorry for your disappointment in the packageing. I have submitted your feedback to our management team for their review.

Posts: 33
Registered: ‎03-12-2016

the new labels are terrible--try keeping one of those sticky things in your file & if you do have a return, you are left with no information--my last 2 packages had only the shipping label ==copies 2 & 3 were not there---s0--I have no invoice--this seems to be happening when items are shipped direct from supplier--not sure---something needs to be done

Honored Contributor
Posts: 71,104
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

@xvi045   How could someone peel off the label and read your information if it's missing and wasn't included, as many times they are not?  Very few people would know there was an invoice beneath the shipping label and even less people would care.  A thief doesn't analyze, he just steals. 

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
Posts: 43
Registered: ‎12-15-2013

It is printed right at the bottom of the label - "invoice and return label below".... there are plenty of skechy individuals out there stealing info, etc.  Your snarky comments are not helpful. 

Honored Contributor
Posts: 71,104
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

@xvi045    You have a strange definition of snarky, just as strange as what you think is thievery.  An opposing viewpoint is not snarky. 

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment