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Re: How to STOP banner that keeps popping up?

@Caaareful Shopper wrote:

@dooBdoo  That "Special Offers & Finds" arrow bar is there, but earlier it was also accompanied by darkening the entire page so you could not see what you were looking at behind it. Not blackening out the page, just making it dark so that the only thing you could really see is that special offers banner.


For me, it occurred for a few hours only, then it stopped after all the here.  I have to believe that was indeed a mistake by the IT folks, but it's gone now.


I don't like the special offers tab that's still there, but it's not intrusive, we just have to merely scroll up to see what you need to see on the page.


              Thank you, @Caaareful Shopper.   That sounds like a major problem and I can see why it's a deal-breaker for those trying to shop online.


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Re: How to STOP banner that keeps popping up?

Thanks! That is the correct specials bar I'm seeing. I don't have blockers installed & have an older I pad. Need a new one & will get them to install blockers.

I think QVC can control it because it stopped once after I complained. 

Moderater can you help?