Posts: 63
Registered: ‎12-08-2011

Re: Hover Scrubber Pad Refills???

[ Edited ]



I had an email from the company that was selling the Hover Scrubber.


I was able to order a set of 4 green pads directly from them. $14.99 plus (for my area) shipping of $3.82 and tax... $19.90. Yay!


Very happy that I will now have more pads. I, like one of the reviewers said, have a very old senior doggie guy, that drinks water and then dribbles it all over the laminate flooring, leaving water spots. The Hover Scrubber works great for cleaning these spots up...I use a spray bottle with white vinegar...shiny and no hard water spotting.



"We do have the microfiber pads available.  You can order them from us if you like or you can order them from our site." 

The below link should take you directly to the Hover Scrubber page
yrdllc-support.myshopify. com/search?q=scrubber

Green pads are on Page 2.


Customer Care & Drop Ship Yeiser Research & Development, LLC 
Home of the Bernini Fountain
Hours: Mon-Fri
8:30am-5:30pm PST
Ph: 619.449.2392
Toll Free 888-648-2011
Fax: 619.449.5049
yrdllc-support.myshopify. com


(NOTE: there is a space in each of the above addresses near the "com"...edit for the real address)

Posts: 63
Registered: ‎12-08-2011

Re: Hover Scrubber Pad Refills???

I received my 4 pack of green pads...came quickly via USPS. If you want pads, email them at and let them know what you are looking for. I'm really happy with a total of 6 pads!