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Everything is supposed to be 5 Easy Pays 10/12 - 10/16

According to the Drop Spot on the mobile app, everything is supposed to be 5 Easy Pays today through 10/16.  It's not just a mobile app thing, I checked that out.  It's not advertised anywhere on the website, just wondering what happened. Smiley Frustrated

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Re: Everything is supposed to be 5 Easy Pays 10/12 - 10/16

It's 5 EPs on everything when you use your QCard, all month long.

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Re: Everything is supposed to be 5 Easy Pays 10/12 - 10/16

@TheOver40Diva you are correct, on the app it does say 5 easy pays on everything 10/12 - 10/16 (not exclusice to the Q card). Have you tried adding the item to your cart and see if the 5 easy pays show up?

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Re: Everything is supposed to be 5 Easy Pays 10/12 - 10/16

Yes, I did.  I also emailed the social team and they apologized and stated they are having system issues at the moment and that they would share this with their IT team. So, hopefully it will get fixed.

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Re: Everything is supposed to be 5 Easy Pays 10/12 - 10/16

I really don't like using my QCard b/c it doesn't pay me cash back. So what I do is make my purchase using my Qcard, get the EPs, pay the first EP payment and then go to my account and change the method of payment to my other cash-back credit card for all future EPs for that item. When you do this the EPs remain the same and the only part that changes is your chosen method of payment.

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Re: Everything is supposed to be 5 Easy Pays 10/12 - 10/16

I tried to check my order status and see the system is down. So there is something going on.

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Re: Everything is supposed to be 5 Easy Pays 10/12 - 10/16

I just put something in my cart which says it's has a 3-EP option. When I went to check out that did not convert to 5 EPs and stayed at 3 EPs. I'd have to use my QCard to get the 5 EPs in that case. 


According to that it seems the '5-EPs-on-Everything' isn't working.

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Re: Everything is supposed to be 5 Easy Pays 10/12 - 10/16

@Sugipine yes, they are having technical issues on the website.

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Re: Everything is supposed to be 5 Easy Pays 10/12 - 10/16

I think they fixed it. 5-EPs on everything with any cc.