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Can’t believe I did this. sent my Nov mortgage pmt to my Visa card in error.

I use my bank’s on line Bill pay features.  I have two credit cards and a mortgage with Morgan Chase.  Each account is listed individually as a payee in my list but the three Chase accounts are all in a row.  EVidently I clicked the wrong Chase listing and sent my rather large mortgage payment to one of the credit card accounts.  that card had no balance due so now my mortgage payment shows as a credit balance on the card.  I discovered this yesterday when I looked at the Chase website on line.  I called the mortgage CS number right away to tell them what had happened and they were very nice about it.  not only that but since the funds went to a Chase CC they can arrange to transfer the excess funds from the CC to the mortgage and I don’t even have to,fuss with it.

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Re: Can’t believe I did this. sent my Nov mortgage pmt to my Visa card in error.

Some banks are great that way. Mine sure is (it's not Chase).

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Re: Can’t believe I did this. sent my Nov mortgage pmt to my Visa card in error.

It’s great to hear that you received such kind customer service from them. Sounds like an easy mistake to make.

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Re: Can’t believe I did this. sent my Nov mortgage pmt to my Visa card in error.

Glad you resolved the issue. Mistakes happen to all of us.

Chase immediately caught fraud on my credit card. Checking into a luxury hotel my # was taken and subsequently used to make 3 or 4 electronic purchases, they stopped the card the same day. I called Chase sent a new cc immediately.


Great customer service.

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Re: Can’t believe I did this. sent my Nov mortgage pmt to my Visa card in error.

I did that once with my gas & electric bills. Each of them got the others payment. I paid the difference on one & paid less on my next bill on the other.

Glad we don't have to pay that mortgage any longer.

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Can’t believe I did this. sent my Nov mortgage pmt to my Visa card in error.

@KathyPet. Don't beat yourself up; a few months ago I absent mindedly did an auto pay on my mortgage payment TWICE.  Boy that'll mess up your budget fast.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: Can’t believe I did this. sent my Nov mortgage pmt to my Visa card in error.

I am thinking I should do some renaming of some Payees so that it becomes harder to,accidently send money to,the wrong account.. For example if I changed the payee name in the list from Chase Mortgage to just mortgage that would move it to,the M’s in my payee list.

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Registered: ‎03-11-2010

Re: Can’t believe I did this. sent my Nov mortgage pmt to my Visa card in error.


u need to differentiate the 3 accounts - otherwise it could happen again.

Respected Contributor
Posts: 3,389
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Can’t believe I did this. sent my Nov mortgage pmt to my Visa card in error.

when I hve a payment that is the same each month (insurance, etc) i set up an automatic payment from my checking account so that I don't even have  to think about it at all. It's taken care of and less chance for me to make a mistake. I bank with Chase and have 2 credit cards with them and since I don't carry a balance I also have it set up to pay the card off each month on a specified date. Makes life much easier.

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