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Re: When and why did you stop wearing high heels?

When I retired from the esc0rt service.

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Re: When and why did you stop wearing high heels?

Early 1980s after requiring bilateral plantar fasciotomies.

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Re: When and why did you stop wearing high heels?

When I snagged my husband!
Esteemed Contributor
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Re: When and why did you stop wearing high heels?

On 4/7/2015 brewhaha said:

When I retired from the esc0rt service.

You said you would NEVER retire, that you liked the money too much!!! {#emotions_dlg.w00t}

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Re: When and why did you stop wearing high heels?

I wore heels today. I find them comfortable.

I do forgo the 4"" heels and stick to 3"" (or less) these days. I have high arches and flats are often not comfortable for me.

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Registered: ‎04-28-2010

Re: When and why did you stop wearing high heels?

"When I was seventeen.........It was a very good year....." (song) Anyway, I sure wore a lot of heels when I was younger. Not so much anymore. I don't recall when I stopped wearing higher heels. Could be because of recurring knee problems whenever I wore/wear heels.

'More or less', 'Right or wrong', 'In general', and 'Just thinking out loud ' (as usual).
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Posts: 19,033
Registered: ‎04-28-2010

Re: When and why did you stop wearing high heels?

'It Was A Very Good Year' : A Tribute to Frank Sinatra (Youtube). Also shows various photos of Frank throughout his singing career.

'More or less', 'Right or wrong', 'In general', and 'Just thinking out loud ' (as usual).
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Registered: ‎09-01-2010

Re: When and why did you stop wearing high heels?

I have never worn a heel over 2"". I never dress up to a level where I need to wear heels.
Esteemed Contributor
Posts: 5,258
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: When and why did you stop wearing high heels?

Wore heels most of my professional life without any problems until 2001, when I returned to the clinical side of things and wore New Balance or Rykas. That was my undoing. Within 2.5 years, I had 3 compression fractures in my left foot and then the 3rd metatarsal in that foot fell - badly. That's when I stopped wearing any kind of shoe that wasn't a GOWalk. And, I had just purchased a pair of fantastic heels at Nordstrom, which I've only worn once. Will have surgery on that foot in September...

You should have seen me on Easter Sunday. I wore a 2-piece Misook outfit with Sketcher GOWalks. I know...BAAAAAAAD!

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Re: When and why did you stop wearing high heels?

I was about 26, and it was because of my back issues.