Occasional Contributor
Posts: 17
Registered: ‎03-23-2010

trying to get into a 'morning' routine...what's yours?

Hi Ladies! In addition to my flights shift on the helicopter, I have also begun working some day shifts in our local Trauma Center. I am trying to get into a 'day shift' person's routine, and so far it's been difficult! I am not used to going to bed early and getting up early, thanks to many years of swing shift before my flight job. I get up early, so I don't feel rushed, and have my coffee before getting showered, dressed, breakfast and then out the door. By the time I get out the door, I'm already TIRED! I know I have to be patient and give myslef time to adjust to this new shift, but I was hoping you all could share with me your routines for your day, and staying productive (and awake!) all through your workday. It is helpful that I work in a very busy place, so that won't be hard to stay awake-I guess I'm just looking for some ways to learn to like early mornings, and not have that sense of 'Eww, I have to go to bed early tonight cause I work early' feeling Smiley Wink Thanks for all your advice! Be Safe and enjoy your afternoons! =)