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Is any one having a problem with placing a order today?

When you lose some one you L~O~V~E, that Memory of them, becomes a TREASURE.
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I just went to check on an order and got a message that the site is down for maintenance.  Very unusual for Amazon.  In fact, this is the first time I've ever had this experience with them.

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Nope, no problems for me.

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Yes, I tried to order a birthday gift for my grandson and got the message that the site was down for maintenance and that was around 4:30pm. (EST)

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I just ordered 3 items without a problem

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@MEM22 wrote:

I just ordered 3 items without a problem

Just curious....are you now able to go in and check your order history?  That's where I've had the problem.  So unusual for Amazon.

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I haven't ordered anything (yet) today, but I was just on my order history and it was ok there.   


I hope it gets straightened out really soon for anybody having problems there.  Smiley Sad    

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@Krimpette wrote:

@MEM22 wrote:

I just ordered 3 items without a problem

Just curious....are you now able to go in and check your order history?  That's where I've had the problem.  So unusual for Amazon.

@Krimpette I just checked my order history... no problems... I would try rebooting your computer.

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Full moon interference?


M - O - O - N. That spells Tom Cullen

The Stand, by Stephen King

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Registered: ‎06-27-2010

Re: trouble with amazon

[ Edited ]



            @goldensrbest,  It looks like they've been experiencing site-wide, sporadic problems.   Your results probably just depend on when each person tried to access it.


          I've posted this before, but fyi:


          When you wonder about the access to a site, try these safe online website down status checker tools.   (Add one or more to your browser bookmarks/favorites, or just send this info to yourself in an email message and keep it handy.)   On some of these status sites if you scroll down you'll see comments which might address specific problems you're seeing:

"Down Detector"


"Is It Down Right Now"


"Down for everyone or just me?"

"Website down"

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